Karinna Chaluisant




The lifeblood of any new business is cash/sufficient startup capital.

On Jul 22, 2024



Discuss the development of legal liability for negligent misstatement and how and why the approach to negligent misstatement differs from the approach to negligent conduct.

On Jul 19, 2024

Here students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of how the law with respect to negligent words has developed differently from negligent conduct. This should lead to a discussion of Donoghue v. Stevenson and how the reasonable foreseeability test for determining duty that developed in that case related to conduct not words. Negligent words were initially thought not actionable, but that was changed in England and then in Canada (Haig v. Bamford). Students should show that they understand that the test to determine a person's responsibility for their careless conduct, as developed in these cases, was different from the test to determine whether a person was responsible for their careless words. Finally they should talk about the Anns case and how this can be applied so that the system is brought together. The second part of the Anns case test is applied to words and the duty reduced, etc. (as was demonstrated in the Hercules case).


European Union (EU) countries depend more on litigation instituted by private parties as the chief legal means of dealing with misleading advertising.In this sense,the approach taken by EU nations resembles advertising regulation in the United States under:

A) Section 5 of the FTC Act.
B) Section 4 of the Clayton Act.
C) Section 16(C) of the Sherman Act.
D) Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act.

On Jun 22, 2024



Closed-loop MRP:

A) is a system which closes the loop between the supplier and the purchaser.
B) provides a feedback loop between capacity and the master production schedule.
C) requires a feedback loop between purchasing and accounting.
D) requires a check between the master production schedule and inventory.
E) allows a unit manager to sequence jobs done in that department.

On Jun 19, 2024



A high value for the times interest earned ratio means that a company is a lower risk borrower.

On May 23, 2024



The laissez-faire leadership style involves retention of authority and responsibility by the leader.

On May 20, 2024
