


Hanne's religion, which began in India 2500 years ago, teaches that there can be a variety of religious "truths." According to the textbook, what religion does Hanne subscribe to?

A) Buddhism
B) Christianity
C) Hinduism
D) Judaism

On Jul 28, 2024



High-quality, government-subsidized, affordable child care is widely available in Canada today.

On Jul 26, 2024



Explain what status cues are and how they can have both positive and negative effects.

On Jul 25, 2024

Status cues are signals or indicators that convey information about a person's social or economic status. These cues can include things like clothing, accessories, behavior, and language. They can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.

On the positive side, status cues can help people navigate social interactions and understand the social hierarchy. They can also serve as a form of self-expression and allow individuals to communicate their identity and values to others. In some cases, status cues can even motivate people to work hard and strive for success in order to attain a higher social status.

However, status cues can also have negative effects. They can lead to stereotypes and prejudice, as people may make assumptions about others based on their status cues. This can result in discrimination and inequality. Additionally, the pressure to conform to certain status cues can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, especially for those who are unable to afford or access the same status symbols as others.

Overall, status cues play a complex role in society, influencing how individuals perceive themselves and others. While they can provide valuable information and motivation, they can also perpetuate social divisions and inequality. It is important for individuals and society to be aware of the impact of status cues and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for all.


It is doubtful that the government can wage an all-out war on white-collar deviance because

A) such criminals are too powerful or respectable.
B) the government is too busy arresting drug offenders.
C) jurors will sympathize too much with the white-collar defendants.
D) not enough laws exist to pursue a rigorous war on this deviance.

On Jul 23, 2024



Inga lives in a nation that holds a federal election every five years and is fully supportive of its citizens' rights through its constitution and charter of rights and freedoms. What kind of nation does Inga live in?

A) a formal democracy
B) an informal democracy
C) a liberal democracy
D) a socialist democracy

On Jun 30, 2024



Discuss how attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity and toward gay and lesbians vary cross-culturally. What underlies these differences?

On Jun 27, 2024

Attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity and toward gay and lesbians vary significantly cross-culturally. In some cultures, adolescent sexual activity may be more accepted and even encouraged, while in others it may be strictly taboo. Similarly, attitudes toward gay and lesbian individuals can range from acceptance and support to discrimination and violence.

These variations in attitudes are influenced by a variety of factors, including religious beliefs, cultural norms, and societal values. For example, in cultures with strong religious influences, attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity and homosexuality may be shaped by traditional teachings and interpretations of religious texts. In more liberal and secular societies, attitudes may be more accepting and inclusive.

Additionally, historical and political factors can also play a role in shaping attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity and LGBTQ+ individuals. In some cultures, colonialism and imperialism have had a lasting impact on societal attitudes toward sexuality and gender identity. For example, in some African countries, colonial-era laws criminalizing homosexuality continue to influence attitudes and policies toward LGBTQ+ individuals.

Overall, the differences in attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity and LGBTQ+ individuals across cultures are complex and multifaceted. They are shaped by a combination of religious, cultural, historical, and political factors, and understanding these differences is crucial for promoting tolerance and acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and identities.


Most robbers express their need for money as their primary motive for committing the crime.

On Jun 26, 2024



Which of the following is NOT a goal of fieldwork instruction programs?

A) To broaden students' sociocultural understanding of the individual, the family, the community, and relevant social systems
B) To help students extend self-awareness and achieve a sense of professional identity
C) To help students expand their awareness of professional role relationships within their organization as well as the agency's role in the community
D) To assist students in recognizing and respecting cultural diversity and explain this understanding is minimally important

On Jun 25, 2024



The textbook suggests that not all corporations are evil and states that corporations are adopting new forms of self-regulation as well as taking proactive measures to integrate social and ethical concerns into their business models. This is part of a movement called "CSR." What does "CSR" stand for?

A) corporate self-regulation
B) conscience, solutions, reform
C) customer service representative
D) corporate social responsibility

On Jun 21, 2024



What is a scapegoat?

On May 27, 2024

A scapegoat is a disadvantaged person or category of people whom others blame for their own problems.