


Prepare a statement of stockholders' equity for the current year ended March 31.

On Jul 28, 2024



Which of the following observations would be consistent with the imposition of a price ceiling that is higher than equilibrium price? After the price ceiling is established,

A) there will be no effect on the market price or quantity sold.
B) a smaller quantity of the good is demanded.
C) a larger quantity of the good is supplied.
D) the price rises above the previous equilibrium.

On Jul 01, 2024



Discuss the differences in information reports,analytical reports,and proposals.

On Jun 28, 2024

Reports are written accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of a business.Informational reports offer data,facts,feedback,and other types of information,without analysis or recommendations.Analytical reports offer both information and analysis and can also include recommendations.Proposals are a special category of reports that combine information delivery and persuasive communication.


a. What are the basic requirements of a writing within the statute of frauds in Article 2 of the UCC?
b. In what three cases does Article 2 of the UCC permit an oral contract?

On May 31, 2024

a. Article 2 requires a writing in contracts for the sale of goods for a price of $500 or more. The UCC requires a writing or record sufficient to indicate that a contract has been made between the parties, signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by an authorized agent or broker, and specifying the quantity of goods to be sold. Several related documents may satisfy the writing requirement.
b. Three exceptions to the writing requirement are found in Article 2 of the UCC. One exception is that no writing is required when the goods are specially manufactured, not suitable for resale in the ordinary course of business, and the seller has made a substantial beginning on their manufacture or has made commitments for their procurement. No writing is necessary when the contract is admitted in pleadings or testimony in court. No writing is necessary where the goods have been paid for and accepted or where they have been received and accepted.


A mutual fund has $50 million in assets at the beginning of the year and 1 million shares outstanding throughout the year. Throughout the year assets grow at 12%. The fund imposes a 12b-1 fee on all shares equal to 1%. The fee is imposed on year-end asset values. If there are no distributions, what is the end-of-year NAV for the fund?

A) $50
B) $55.44
C) $56.12
D) $54.55

On May 28, 2024



In Baker v. Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled which of the following decisions?

A) The Court set aside the decision and ordered another hearing be held since there was a reasonable apprehension of bias.
B) The Court set aside the decision because the hearing had violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
C) The Court confirmed the decision because the immigration officer had acted appropriately.
D) The Court confirmed the decision because the process followed by the hearing was proper in the circumstances.
E) The Court declined to hear the case because Courts have no authority review board decisions.

On May 01, 2024



Anyone who has access to or receives inside information of a nonpublic nature and trades on it for personal gain can be liable under SEC Rule 10b-5.

On Apr 28, 2024
