


A study on stereotype threat and math performance (Spencer, Steele, & Quinn, 1999) suggests that

A) the gender gap in math performance is at least partly due to stereotype-influenced beliefs and expectations.
B) women stereotype their own math abilities more than men.
C) when women are told nothing about gender differences, they tend to do as well.
D) women do better on math tests when they are tested in mixed-sex groups than when tested with only men.

On Aug 06, 2024



If a clinician had only 15 minutes to conduct a preliminary clinical interview, which information should he or she try to get, and why?

On Jul 10, 2024

In a 15-minute preliminary clinical interview, the clinician should prioritize gathering essential information that will help them understand the client's presenting concerns and determine the next steps in their care. This may include obtaining information about the client's current symptoms, any relevant medical history, any previous mental health treatment, current medications, and any immediate safety concerns. Additionally, it would be important to assess the client's current level of functioning and any significant stressors or life events that may be contributing to their current difficulties. This information is crucial for the clinician to make an initial assessment of the client's needs and to develop a plan for further evaluation and treatment. While a 15-minute interview is limited in time, focusing on these key areas can help the clinician gather important information to guide their initial clinical impressions and recommendations.


Toddlers are immersed in a language-learning environment at all times,whereas adults who are learning a second language often do so on a part-time basis.Which theory of language acquisition is weakened by this confounding variable

A)  emergentist theory
B)  interactionist theory 
C)  nativist theory
D)  behaviourist theory

On Jul 07, 2024



In a classic study, Solomon Asch measured conformity by testing

A) how much the opinions of jurors in a courtroom trial changed after the jury discussed a case.
B) whether someone would agree with a majority that gave wrong answers in a visual-judgment experiment.
C) how much an address by the president of the United States changed public opinion as measured by a survey.
D) how much the smoking and drinking habits of high-school students differed from those of their parents.

On Jun 10, 2024



According to the ________ model, alcoholism is not a moral issue, but a medical one.

A) reactivity
B) disease
C) just world
D) clinical

On Jun 07, 2024



The theory that would most likely predict that boys raised without a father figure will have difficulty developing a strongly masculine gender identity was proposed by

A) Carl Jung.
B) Alfred Adler.
C) Karen Horney.
D) Sigmund Freud.

On May 11, 2024



Conservatives tend to rely on conservative media outlets while liberals tend to rely on media outlets. What is this phenomenon called?

A) Echo justification
B) Filter bubbles
C) Dissonance avoidance
D) Selective exposure

On May 08, 2024