Katie Seif El Nasr




Discuss how to become a valuable wiki contributor.

On May 12, 2024

To be a valuable wiki contributor,keep these points in mind:
• Let go of traditional expectations of authorship,including individual recognition and control.
• Encourage all team members to improve each other's work.
• Use page templates and other formatting options to make sure your content matches the rest of the wiki.
• Many wikis provide both editing and commenting capabilities,and participants should use the appropriate tool for each.In other words,don't insert comments or questions into the main content; use the "talk page" or other commenting feature if you want to discuss the content.
• Take advantage of the sandbox,if available; this is a "safe," nonpublished section of the wiki where team members can practice editing and writing.


The ________ framework measures two dimensions: primary motivation and resources.

On May 12, 2024



Describe the effect of diversity and culture on decision making.

On May 09, 2024

Answers will vary. Styles of decision making vary greatly among cultures. In the United States, a culture with low uncertainty avoidance, decisions are seen as opportunities for change. Power distance also affects decision making. The individualist/collectivist dimension has implications for decision making. Japan, with its collectivist culture, favors group decisions. The United States has a more difficult time with group decisions because it is an individualistic culture. Time orientation affects the frame of reference of the decision. In China, with its long-term view, decisions are made with the future in mind. In the United States, many decisions are made considering only the short term. The masculine/feminine dimensions have an impact on decision making as well. Recent research examining the effects of cultural diversity on decision making has found that when individuals in a group are racially dissimilar, they engage in more open information sharing, encourage dissenting perspectives, and arrive at better decisions than racially similar groups. Please see the section "Diversity and Culture in Decision Making" for more information.