


Which of the following applications would benefit from the use of a compensating fifth wheel?

A) B-train lead trailer with aluminum frame
B) A-train lead trailer with pintle hook
C) yard shunt
D) pick-up and delivery tractor

On Jul 27, 2024



Task approach statements refer to global strategies that are relevant across a variety of related tasks as well as the task at hand.

On Jul 22, 2024



The goals for a family system are established by ______.

A) researchers
B) school officials
C) family members
D) social norms

On Jul 18, 2024



T.J.lives with his mother,his stepfather,and his sister during the week and with his dad and his dad's girlfriend on the weekends.T.J.'s parents are very combative with each other,and Mr.Wilkins is noticing a lot of emotional outbursts and behavior problems with T.J.on Mondays and Fridays especially.Mr.Wilkins knows he needs to talk with T.J.'s family,but he isn't quite sure how to approach them or whom to approach first.What should Mr.Wilkins do in this situation to help T.J.?

On Jul 15, 2024

Truealk with the principal or school counselor/social worker to get advice on how best to approach the situation.Ask the school counselor to observe T.J.and talk with him privately.Ask for a conference with T.J.'s mother and stepfather as well as his father,but schedule these on different days.Have the counselor join the conference with parents and share his or her observations/recommendations for helping T.J.Research different types of parenting plans that can be used to help children and have this ready to share with T.J.'s family.Create a parent journal or notebook to help record and share information about T.J.'s well-being in school with both sides of the family.Provide names of family counselors and other community resources that help families deal with divorce and remarriage/blended-family experiences.Keep lines of communication open by staying neutral about ongoing family conflict.Help keep the family's focus on helping T.J.


When a driver is using the trailer hand brake valve to stop a rig and then stomps on the treadle valve,what is the source of the trailer service control signal?

A) tractor primary circuit
B) tractor secondary circuit
C) trailer reservoirs
D) trailer hold-off circuit

On Jun 27, 2024



When about to troubleshoot a complaint of a noisy transmission on a truck,which of the following should be done first in a troubleshooting sequence?

A) road test
B) drain the transmission oil and check for metal particles
C) raise the truck off the floor and spin the wheels up in each gear
D) remove the transmission and disassemble

On Jun 23, 2024



Deviance may vary with time and place . What does this statement mean?

On Jun 20, 2024

The statement "Deviance may vary with time and place" means that what is considered deviant behavior is not fixed or absolute but can change depending on the cultural, social, historical, and geographical context. Deviance refers to actions or behaviors that violate the norms, values, or expectations of a group or society. Because these norms and values are not universal and can evolve, what is deemed deviant in one society or time period may be seen as normal or acceptable in another.

Several factors contribute to the variability of deviance:

1. Cultural Differences: Different cultures have different norms and values, which means that an act considered deviant in one culture might be perfectly acceptable in another. For example, certain forms of dress or personal expression might be frowned upon in one society but celebrated in another.

2. Social Change: Over time, societies change, and with them, their norms and values. Behaviors that were once seen as deviant can become normalized, and vice versa. For instance, attitudes towards same-sex relationships have changed significantly in many parts of the world over the past few decades.

3. Historical Context: The historical period also plays a role in defining deviance. For example, the prohibition era in the United States made the production and sale of alcohol deviant, whereas it is legal and widely accepted today.

4. Legal Definitions: Laws are often a reflection of what a society considers deviant, but these laws can change. What is illegal (and thus deviant) at one point in time may be decriminalized later, such as the use of cannabis in some jurisdictions.

5. Subcultures: Within a larger society, different subcultures may have their own set of norms and values that differ from the mainstream. A behavior that is deviant according to the broader society's standards may not be seen as such within a subculture.

6. Situational Context: The context or setting of a behavior can also influence whether it is seen as deviant. For example, drinking alcohol might be acceptable at a social event but not while at work or while driving.

In summary, the statement "Deviance may vary with time and place" acknowledges the fluid and socially constructed nature of deviance. It highlights the importance of considering the specific cultural, temporal, and situational factors that contribute to the perception and definition of deviant behavior.


Many parents fail to emphasize which of the following when they socialize their sons?

A) Independence
B) Self-reliance
C) Nurturing behaviors
D) Achievement orientation

On Jun 16, 2024



Briefly trace the history of career counseling since its beginning in 1909 to the current time, highlighting significant figures, governmental initiatives, and social changes that have shaped its evolution.

On Jun 13, 2024

Frank Parsons is credited with beginning the field of career counseling when he published his book, Choosing a Vocation.In it, he advocated for understanding oneself, understanding different work requirements, and identifying how these two domains relate.During Parson's lifetime, his work was viewed as a way to reduce juvenile delinquency.He argued for a scientific approach to choosing one's life work.Success during the early 20th century was determined by whether a person stayed in their chosen job.Since that time, however, the world of work has changed, with people typically moving to different jobs over the course of their lives.From the 1920s to the 1940s and beyond, career counseling became visible on college campuses.Counselors assisted returning veterans from both World Wars I and II.In the 1950s, Donald Super advocated for changing the way people conceptualize career counseling from helping people decided on a one-time job to helping them build a career across the life span.During the Cold War in the 1950s, the U.S.government wanted more students to choose careers that would help the United States compete against the Soviet Union in science and technology.The National Defense Education Act funded school guidance programs to help counselors provide career services.More recently, there has been a focus on counselors helping people to attend to psychological aspects of career decision-making.Several authors have argued that the distinction between personal and career counseling minimizes the emotional aspects of making life decisions about one's career.Finally, the field has prioritized meeting the needs of diverse clients entering the workforce and reshaping career counseling, so it is more inclusive.


The term _______________ refers to the number of separate power circuits that can be switched.

On May 27, 2024
