


Charlotte opens the trunk to her car, and sees a large rattle snake. Which of Charlotte's behaviors would not suggest that she is not experiencing the fight-or-flight response?

A) She slams the door shut, screams, and calls 911.
B) She grabs the rattle snake by the throat and throws it to the ground.
C) She jumps three feet, and starts running at high speed.
D) She closes the trunk, then sends a text to her best friend about the incident.

On Jul 09, 2024



Expectancy theory is particularly useful to leaders because it emphasizes the emotional and passionate side of people.

On Jul 06, 2024



Carina Inc. is a multinational clothing company that targets middle-class customers around the world. Given this information, it can be said that Carina is engaged in _____.

A) vertical integration
B) business process outsourcing
C) global market segmentation
D) international franchising

On Jun 09, 2024



Discuss questions that should be thought through when determining if negative information should be shared in an indirect or direct format.

On Jun 06, 2024

To help decide which approach to take in a particular situation,ask yourself the following questions:
• Do you need to get the reader's attention immediately? If the situation is an emergency or if someone has ignored repeated messages,the direct approach can help you get attention quickly.
• Does the recipient prefer a direct style of communication? Some recipients prefer the direct approach no matter what,so if you know this,go with direct.
• How important is this news to the reader? For minor or routine scenarios,the direct approach is nearly always best.However,if the reader has an emotional investment in the situation or the consequences to the reader are considerable,the indirect approach is often better,particularly if the bad news is unexpected.
• Will the bad news come as a shock? The direct approach is fine for many business situations in which people understand the possibility of receiving bad news.However,if the bad news might come as a shock to readers,use the indirect approach to help them prepare for it.


Which statement is TRUE concerning the relationship between efficiency and equity?

A) Policies designed to increase efficiency will also increase equity.
B) Policies designed to increase equity will also increase efficiency.
C) Policies designed to increase efficiency may decrease equity.
D) There is no trade-off between efficiency and equity if policies are fair.

On May 10, 2024



Absolute advantage is based on opportunity cost.

On May 07, 2024
