


Edward Snowden is most known for

A) creating and maintain the WikiLeaks site.
B) leaking the Pentagon Papers to the press.
C) leaking the material that revealed widespread global surveillance programs by the
U.S.government and major telecommunication companies.
D) leaking information about the Iraq War to the press while serving as Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

On Sep 27, 2024



Advocates of limiting the powers of the national government justify their position by pointing to
The ________ of the U.S.Constitution.

A) commerce clause
B) necessary and proper clause
C) Tenth Amendment
D) due process clause

On Sep 25, 2024



The ________ affirms that national laws and treaties are the supreme law of the land.

A) full faith and credit clause
B) necessary and proper clause
C) doctrine of national supremacy
D) doctrine of stare decisis

On Sep 24, 2024



Name and explain the Civil War amendments.Discuss the role the amendments have played in the efforts to expand or redefine civil rights and liberties over the last few decades.

On Sep 22, 2024

The Civil War amendments, also known as the Reconstruction amendments, refer to the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments were ratified in the years following the Civil War and were designed to address the issues of slavery, citizenship, and voting rights for African Americans.

The 13th amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. This amendment was a significant step towards ending the institution of slavery in the United States.

The 14th amendment, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves. It also included the Equal Protection Clause, which prohibits states from denying any person within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 15th amendment, ratified in 1870, prohibited the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This amendment aimed to ensure that African American men could exercise their right to vote.

Over the last few decades, the Civil War amendments have played a crucial role in the efforts to expand and redefine civil rights and liberties. The 14th amendment, in particular, has been the basis for many landmark Supreme Court decisions that have expanded civil rights, including Brown v. Board of Education, which declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional, and Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage.

Additionally, the 15th amendment has been used to challenge discriminatory voting practices and to advocate for voting rights for marginalized communities. The ongoing fight for voting rights and the protection of these rights for all citizens is a direct result of the 15th amendment's influence.

In conclusion, the Civil War amendments have been instrumental in shaping the expansion and redefinition of civil rights and liberties in the United States. These amendments have provided a legal foundation for the advancement of equality and justice, and their impact continues to be felt in the ongoing struggle for civil rights.