


Describe the two types of studies that are most important to the work of those in behavioral genetics.

On Jul 23, 2024

The two types of studies that are most important to the work of those in behavioral genetics are twin studies and adoption studies.

Twin studies involve comparing the similarities in behavior and traits between identical twins, who share 100% of their genetic material, and fraternal twins, who share only 50% of their genetic material on average. By comparing these two types of twins, researchers can estimate the heritability of certain traits and behaviors, and determine the extent to which genetics play a role in their development.

Adoption studies involve comparing the similarities in behavior and traits between adopted children and their biological relatives (who they share genetics with) and their adoptive relatives (who they share environment with). This allows researchers to disentangle the effects of genetics and environment on the development of certain traits and behaviors.

Both types of studies are crucial in understanding the complex interplay between genetics and environment in shaping human behavior, and are essential for advancing our knowledge in the field of behavioral genetics.


Parents of prosocial children tend to discipline them by

A) reasoning.
B) scolding.
C) spanking.
D) withdrawing affection.

On Jul 21, 2024



Which of the following is TRUE regarding parents and their children?

A) They share about 50% of their genetic material.
B) They share recessive genes only.
C) They share dominant genes only.
D) They share about 25% of their genetic material.

On Jun 23, 2024



One of the dangers of a diagnosis of conversion disorder is that the patient:

A) will then seek only psychodynamic therapy.
B) may have a genuine medical problem.
C) may view all future physical symptoms as a symptom of this disorder.
D) will most likely seek a second medical opinion.

On Jun 21, 2024



What is subjective probability

A)  a personal estimate of what the likelihood of an outcome is 
B)  what an outcome is personally worth to an individual 
C)  the expected value of an outcome 
D)  an individual's willingness to take risks

On May 23, 2024



Can every syllogism with a missing conclusion be completed in such a way as to produce a valid syllogism?

A) No, since there might be no connection between the two premises.
B) No, since the premises might not both be categorical.
C) No, since two universal premises could not validly lead to any conclusion.
D) Yes, since any two premises can validly lead to an I conclusion.
E) Yes, since even if the two premises are completely unrelated, they would validly lead to an E conclusion.

On May 22, 2024