


A demand function for step stools manufactured by U-Step is q = -720p + 20,500.What is the revenue if the price per step stool is $18?

A) $369,000
B) $135,720
C) $28,040
D) $7,540

On Jul 26, 2024



A soft drink company is introducing a new drink and wishes to evaluate which of three different formulas will be most popular.Five people taste each of the three formulas in a random order and rate each formula's taste on a scale from 1 to 10.The results are given below.  Farmula 1  Farmula 2  Farmula 3  Person 1 964 Person 2 782 Persan 3 563 Persan 4 752 Persan 5 872\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } & \text { Farmula 1 } & \text { Farmula 2 } & \text { Farmula 3 } \\\hline \text { Person 1 } & 9 & 6 & 4 \\\hline \text { Person 2 } & 7 & 8 & 2 \\\hline \text { Persan 3 } & 5 & 6 & 3 \\\hline \text { Persan 4 } & 7 & 5 & 2 \\\hline \text { Persan 5 } & 8 & 7 & 2 \\\hline\end{array} Person 1  Person 2  Persan 3  Persan 4  Persan 5  Farmula 1 97578 Farmula 2 68657 Farmula 3 42322 Conduct a Friedman test at the 0.05 level of significance to determine if there are differences in consumer ratings between the three formulas.

On Jun 29, 2024

H0: The distributions of ratings are identical for all three formulas. HA: At least two of the distributions differ from one another. T1= 13,T2 = 12,T3 = 5 Test statistic: S = 7.6,P-value = 0.0224 Reject the null hypothesis.There is sufficient evidence to suggest that at least two formulas differ in terms of the distribution of ratings.


A larger standard deviation of a normal distribution indicates that the distribution becomes:

A) narrower and more peaked.
B) flatter and wider.
C) more skewed to the right.
D) more skewed to the left.

On Jun 25, 2024



​The markup percent is based on cost. Compute the missing terms.
​The markup percent is based on cost. Compute the missing terms. ​

On May 27, 2024



Special Sports Store, which uses the LIFO method of valuing inventory, has 52 tennis rackets remaining in inventory. Special purchased tennis rackets over a three-month period as follows: 36 purchased at $15 on January 3, 48 purchased at $15.50 on February 5, and 24 purchased at $16 on March 7. Compute the value of the ending inventory of tennis rackets at LIFO cost.

On May 24, 2024
