Konlathat Kiattikhunphairot




The ____ is a functional region found in certain proteins that are important in development. It consists of 60 amino acids that form four helices.

A) homeobox
B) homeodomain
C) homeogene
D) homeochromosome
E) functional group

On Jul 17, 2024



Why is fetal hemoglobin very efficient at picking up oxygen?

A) The BPG levels are much higher than in maternal hemoglobin.
B) The fetal oxygen-dissociation curve is to the right of the maternal oxygen-dissociation curve.
C) The concentration of fetal hemoglobin is 10% greater than the concentration of maternal hemoglobin.
D) The fetal oxygen-dissociation curve is to the left of the maternal oxygen-dissociation curve.

On Jul 13, 2024



The sex of most mammals, birds, and insects is determined by

A) the temperature.
B) the external environment.
C) sex chromosomes.
D) parental age.
E) the internal environment.

On Jun 17, 2024



When drawing a graph to display experimental data, the independent variable is plotted along the x-axis.

On Jun 13, 2024



The Employee Free Choice Act would increase penalties to employers who violate the NLRA and change voting procedures so that simply showing a majority of signed authorization cards would be enough to certify the union.

On Jun 10, 2024



List the steps and components involved in the process of nucleotide excision repair.

On May 12, 2024

The process of nucleotide excision repair is provided in Figs. 12-17.


According to the critical industrial relations school, the cause of the labor problem is that the capitalistic class has control over both society's institutions and the means of production.

On May 11, 2024



Mediation is similar to arbitration in that both require the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution to their dispute.

On May 10, 2024



What is the difference between conventional arbitration and final offer arbitration and why might a state choose one over the other as its compulsory dispute resolution system? (10 minutes)

On May 08, 2024

In arbitration, the parties present their final offers (and arguments) to an arbitrator for review. Conventional arbitration allows the arbitrator to fashion any terms for a settlement that he or she deems fair. The arbitrator in this case is not constrained to the final offers in deciding the settlement terms. The uncertainty of what the arbitrator will choose and the loss of control by the negotiators over the settlement terms is intended to motivate negotiators to reach their own negotiated agreement without resorting to arbitration. It has traditionally been believed that such a system suffers from the "chilling effect." If arbitrators simply split the difference between the positions of labor and management, each side might hold back from making comprises during negotiations. Thus, the chilling effect may lead to an increase in impasse.
In final offer arbitration, the arbitrator must choose either the union or management's offer and is not allowed to deviate from those final offers. Final offer arbitration was created to try to lessen the chilling effect of conventional arbitration. This offer comes in two variations: (1) total package final arbitration, in which the arbitrator must select one party's final offer on all the disputed contract terms (for example wages, health insurance holidays, etc.); and (2) issue-by-issue final offer arbitration, in which the arbitrator can choose either party's final offer on an issue-by-issue basis. It is generally believed that final offer arbitration puts the parties at greater risk of losing if their offers are unreasonable and, hence, should encourage the parties to come closer to an agreement during negotiations.


Which of the following functions is associated with vessels that carry blood directly from arterioles to veins without passing through capillaries?

A) Thermoregulation
B) Nutrient supply to tissues
C) Removal of metabolic waste products from tissues
D) Oxygen supply to tissues
E) pH regulation

On May 07, 2024