Kortny Fitzsimmons




Smoking marijuana may contribute to schizophrenia among those who are genetically predisposed.

On Jul 25, 2024



According to Erikson's psychosocial development theory,individuals experience the crisis of ________ during the adolescent years,where they face the challenge of addressing questions about who they are.

A) industry versus inferiority
B) identity versus role confusion
C) intimacy versus isolation
D) initiative versus guilt

On Jul 03, 2024



Research studies that have claimed to demonstrate ESP effects have __________

A) not been replicated successfully.
B) avoided the Ganzfeld procedure.
C) relied on particularly sensitive individuals.
D) been falsified.

On Jun 29, 2024



Cross-cultural studies of parenting show that

A) mothers spending full time with their infants is the norm.
B) in most cultures, mothers spend very little time with their infants.
C) there is great variation in the amount of time that mothers spend with their infants.
D) fathers are much more involved with infant care than previously suspected.

On Jun 25, 2024



Research indicates that a difficult temperament at 18 months of age predicts picky eating 2 years later.

On May 30, 2024



Nicole wants to continue to work after her son is born but is not getting much support from her extended family.List two arguments for and against Nicole's decision to continue working.

On May 27, 2024

Two arguments for Nicole's decision to continue working after her son is born are:

1. Financial independence: By continuing to work, Nicole can maintain her financial independence and contribute to her family's income. This can provide a sense of security and stability for her family, and also allow her to save for her son's future.

2. Personal fulfillment: Many women find fulfillment and satisfaction in their careers, and Nicole may feel that continuing to work is important for her own personal growth and development. It can also provide a sense of purpose and identity outside of being a mother.

Two arguments against Nicole's decision to continue working after her son is born are:

1. Lack of support: Without much support from her extended family, Nicole may find it challenging to balance work and motherhood. She may feel overwhelmed and stressed, and struggle to find reliable childcare options.

2. Bonding time: Some may argue that staying at home with her son in the early years is important for bonding and attachment. They may believe that the first few years of a child's life are crucial for maternal bonding and development, and that Nicole's absence due to work could have negative effects on her son.