


Outlier Inc. hosts client accounts in servers located in foreign countries. The U.S. government issues a warrant to obtain e-mails related to a drug case from one of those accounts. Outlier refuses to comply. On the government's appeal, it is most likely that a court will order

A) the owner of the account to "stand and deliver."
B) Outlier to comply with the warrant.
C) the government to abide by Outlier's refusal.
D) the foreign countries to seize Outlier's servers.

On Jul 21, 2024



What are the two demonstration techniques commonly used as approaches in sales presentations?

On Jul 20, 2024

Product and showmanship approaches are the commonly used demonstration techniques in sales presentations.


Sales promotions that allow consumers to accumulate points or other benefits for doing business with the same company are known as

A) rebate programs.
B) allowances.
C) premium programs.
D) contests.
E) loyalty programs.

On Jun 21, 2024



If another person has criticized you unfairly, you should disagree respectfully and constructively.

On Jun 20, 2024



Government agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, subsidize basic research because in the absence of a subsidy too little research would be conducted.

On May 22, 2024



Division Y has asked Division X of the same company to supply it with 5,000 units of part L763 this year to use in one of its products. Division Y has received a bid from an outside supplier for the parts at a price of $33.00 per unit. Division X has the capacity to produce 20,000 units of part L763 per year. Division X expects to sell 18,000 units of part L763 to outside customers this year at a price of $34.00 per unit. To fill the order from Division Y, Division X would have to cut back its sales to outside customers. Division X produces part L763 at a variable cost of $25.00 per unit. The cost of packing and shipping the parts for outside customers is $2.00 per unit. These packing and shipping costs would not have to be incurred on sales of the parts to Division Y.Required:a. What is the range of transfer prices within which both the Divisions' profits would increase as a result of agreeing to the transfer of 5,000 parts this year from Division Y to Division X?b. Is it in the best interests of the overall company for this transfer to take place? Explain.

On May 21, 2024

a.From the perspective of Division Y, profits would increase as a result of the transfer if and only if:Transfer price > Variable cost + Opportunity costThe opportunity cost is the contribution margin on the lost sales, divided by the number of units transferred:Opportunity cost = [($34.00 − $25.00 − $2.00) × 3,000*] / 5,000 = $4.20
a.From the perspective of Division Y, profits would increase as a result of the transfer if and only if:Transfer price > Variable cost + Opportunity costThe opportunity cost is the contribution margin on the lost sales, divided by the number of units transferred:Opportunity cost = [($34.00 − $25.00 − $2.00) × 3,000*] / 5,000 = $4.20    Therefore, Transfer price > $25.00 + $4.20 = $29.20.From the viewpoint of Division X, the transfer price must be less than the cost of buying the units from the outside supplier. Therefore,Transfer price < $33.00.Combining the two requirements, we get the following range of transfer prices:$29.20 < Transfer price < $33.00.b.Yes, the transfer should take place. From the viewpoint of the entire company, the cost of transferring the units within the company is $29.20, but the cost of purchasing them from the outside supplier is $33.00. Therefore, the company's profits increase on average by $3.80 for each of the special parts that is transferred within the company. Therefore, Transfer price > $25.00 + $4.20 = $29.20.From the viewpoint of Division X, the transfer price must be less than the cost of buying the units from the outside supplier. Therefore,Transfer price < $33.00.Combining the two requirements, we get the following range of transfer prices:$29.20 < Transfer price < $33.00.b.Yes, the transfer should take place. From the viewpoint of the entire company, the cost of transferring the units within the company is $29.20, but the cost of purchasing them from the outside supplier is $33.00. Therefore, the company's profits increase on average by $3.80 for each of the special parts that is transferred within the company.