


The condition in which an individual is unable to feel joy or to express many pleasurable emotions is referred to as _____.​

A) ​dysmorphia
B) ​dyslexia
C) ​anhedonia
D) ​euphoria

On Jul 11, 2024



The aim of policy analysis is to stimulate and assist the local community to evaluate, plan, and coordinate efforts to provide for the community's health, welfare, and recreation needs.

On Jul 08, 2024



Which of the following is an example of a closed-ended question?

A) ​Why did she begin acting this way?
B) ​Can you tell me what you see that leads you to use that term?
C) ​Do you find this task challenging?
D) What are Marsha's strengths and weaknesses?​

On Jun 08, 2024



Timely use of _____ as an educational intervention helps family members to form positive messages and to develop the skills needed to share their experiences in an authentic manner.​

A) ​cognitive dissonance
B) ​evaluative feedback
C) ​role-play
D) ​collusion

On May 30, 2024



Discuss some factors that are vital to effective social action and class advocacy.

On May 09, 2024

Answers may vary. Some factors that are vital to effective social action and class advocacy include a genuine concern for the cause, the ability to keep the cause in focus, tenacity, and stamina. Successful advocates have a thorough understanding of how the government and systems are organized and changed. The Frame-Works Institute suggests translating messages about what can be done to address social problems into language that engages ordinary people and advances their interest in policy and program solutions.


How do political issues play a role in a person's internal reality according to feminist counseling?

On Apr 30, 2024

In feminist counseling, political issues play a significant role in a person's internal reality. This is because feminist counseling acknowledges the interconnectedness of personal experiences with larger social and political systems. Political issues such as gender inequality, discrimination, and oppression can deeply impact a person's sense of self-worth, identity, and well-being.

Feminist counseling recognizes that individuals are not isolated from the societal structures and power dynamics that shape their lives. Therefore, political issues are seen as influential forces that can shape a person's internal reality, including their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For example, a person who experiences discrimination or marginalization due to their gender may internalize feelings of shame, inadequacy, or anger as a result of societal messages and power imbalances.

Moreover, feminist counseling aims to empower individuals by helping them understand and challenge the political context in which their struggles and experiences are situated. By addressing political issues within the therapeutic process, clients can gain insight into how systemic inequalities impact their personal lives and develop coping strategies to navigate these challenges. This approach acknowledges that personal struggles are not solely individual problems, but are rooted in larger social and political structures.

In summary, political issues play a crucial role in a person's internal reality according to feminist counseling by recognizing the impact of societal power dynamics, systemic inequalities, and discrimination on an individual's sense of self and well-being. By addressing these political issues within the therapeutic process, feminist counseling aims to empower individuals to challenge and navigate the societal forces that shape their lives.