


One guideline for making ethical decisions and behaving ethically is ________.

A) making sure you don't get caught
B) behaving ethically out of fear
C) developing the right character traits
D) making up a code of ethics that serves only you

On Jul 16, 2024



The three stages of a stress episode are, in order,

A) stress, stressor, and stress reactions.
B) frustration, stress, and conflict.
C) stress reactions, stressor, and stress.
D) stressor, stress, and stress reactions.
E) stress, anxiety, and conflict.

On Jul 15, 2024



Which of the following was the result in Michael J. Kane, Jr. v. Grace Kroll, the case in the text in which the defendant issued a check to the plaintiff to cover the plaintiff's sale of cows to the defendant's son, but later stopped payment on the check because her son said he could not repay her?

A) The plaintiff was not allowed to recover because the stop payment order prevented the plaintiff from being a holder in due course.
B) The plaintiff was not allowed to recover because, although he was a holder in due course, the stop payment order negated his entitlement to payment.
C) The plaintiff was not allowed to recover because the defendant established a lack of consideration to her.
D) The plaintiff was allowed to recover on a contract theory although he was not a holder in due course.
E) The plaintiff was allowed to recover because he was a holder in due course.

On Jun 16, 2024



In the context of environmental scanning,just as there is a reaction for every action,for every trend there is a countertrend,and countertrends seem to develop in tandem with the trends.Discuss this view,providing an example.

On Jun 15, 2024

One challenge in environmental scanning is that few trends exist in isolation.Take the issue of the difficulty of finding employees where labour shortages exist.There is a growing concern that companies will be unable to find enough tradespeople.If this problem is addressed in isolation,two solutions might be to (1)increase the number of spaces for apprentices in trade programs and/or (2)recruit tradespeople from other countries.But other trends may influence the ability to fill these jobs.The use of robots may change the need for skilled workers.The abolishment of mandatory retirement may encourage more tradespeople to continue working.


On July 9, 2010, Marcus Company purchased an asset for $18, 000.Marcus estimated a four-year life and no salvage value.Marcus uses sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation to the nearest whole month.Depreciation expense for 2013 will be

A) $1, 800
B) $2, 700
C) $3, 600
D) $4, 500

On May 17, 2024



The difference between blogging and microblogging is what?

A) Intended audience
B) Writing style
C) Length
D) System security
E) Use of emoticons

On May 16, 2024