


Ebay's use of "bidding agents" will​

A) ​effectively turn an English auction into a Vickery auction
B) effectively turn a Vickery auction into an English auction
C) decide how much to shade your bid for you
D) ​make you a more aggressive bidder

On Jul 13, 2024



Angie earned $129,200 during 2017.She is single,claims two withholding allowances,and is paid monthly.How much FICA tax must Angie's employer remit to the federal government in 2017?

A) $19,767.60.
B) $19,519.60.
C) $18,295.80.
D) $19,431.00.

On Jul 10, 2024



Alia works in a bakery.As part of a _____ team,she shares in the responsibility with other team members of managing her department's work schedule and ordering baking supplies.Along with other team members,she is empowered to complete her tasks at her discretion.

A) self-managed
B) problem-solving
C) virtual
D) cross-functional

On Jun 13, 2024



Critical thinking and evidence-based management is closely related to the theory of ______.

A) contingency thinking
B) outside the box thinking
C) reciprocal thinking
D) positive thinking

On Jun 10, 2024



In the context of the ABC model of an attitude, which of the following is true of affect?

A) It can be measured by physiological indicators.
B) It reflects a person's perceptions or beliefs.
C) It does not influence a person's behavior.
D) It cannot be measured by self-report questionnaires.

On May 14, 2024



Develop the outline for a workshop that you could use to help people deliver positive,complimentary information to co-workers more effectively.Be certain to identity each of the five steps that are usually included in such programs.

On May 11, 2024

Workshop Title: Effective Communication: Delivering Positive Feedback to Co-Workers


I. Introduction
A. Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop
B. Importance of Positive Feedback in the Workplace
C. Overview of the Five Steps for Delivering Positive Feedback

II. Step 1: Observation
A. Understanding the Importance of Observing Positive Behaviors
B. Identifying Specific Examples of Positive Behaviors
C. Practice Session: Observing and Noting Positive Behaviors

III. Step 2: Preparation
A. Preparing to Deliver Positive Feedback
B. Crafting Specific and Genuine Compliments
C. Role-Playing Exercise: Practicing Delivery of Positive Feedback

IV. Step 3: Delivery
A. Effective Communication Techniques for Delivering Positive Feedback
B. Providing Feedback in a Timely Manner
C. Group Activity: Delivering Positive Feedback in Various Scenarios

V. Step 4: Response
A. Understanding the Impact of Positive Feedback on Co-Workers
B. Handling Reactions to Positive Feedback
C. Case Studies: Analyzing Different Responses to Positive Feedback

VI. Step 5: Follow-Up
A. Importance of Follow-Up After Providing Positive Feedback
B. Strategies for Continued Support and Encouragement
C. Creating a Personal Action Plan for Implementing Positive Feedback in the Workplace

VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of the Five Steps for Delivering Positive Feedback
B. Q&A Session
C. Closing Remarks and Next Steps for Participants

This workshop will provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deliver positive and complimentary information to their co-workers, ultimately fostering a more positive and supportive work environment.