


Subsection 45(2) of the Competition Act enumerates certain activities which are exempt from the Act in certain circumstances. Describe these activities and indicate in which circumstances they do not violate the Act.

On Jul 21, 2024

Enumerated Activities Exempt from Competition Act under ss.45(2):
- those trade practices listed under the heading "Conspiracies and Combinations in Restraint of Trade" in the text which deal with combinations, conspiracies or agreements between companies
- those activities only remain exempt if their purpose is to enhance the products or processes of the parties involved and result in a net benefit to the public or at least maintain the status quo
- if any such enumerated activities restricts or is likely to restrict persons from entering into the associated business or would lessen competition, the parties may then be subject to application of and possible conviction under the Act
- also exempt under certain conditions are agreements in restraint of trade relating wholly to the export of products from Canada as long as the process of exportation is not being restricted, the setting of reasonably necessary standards by professional bodies and arrangements among affiliated companies in many cases unless some are foreign firms and the agreement is made in Canada


An increase in the consumer surplus in the market for milkshakes may result from a(n) _____ in the _____ of milkshakes.

A) increase;price
B) increase;supply
C) decrease;demand
D) decrease;supply

On Jul 20, 2024



Computer Nerds is a firm that employs individuals who are experts at recognizing and repairing computer problems. Their slogan is "Call a nerd when you have a nerdy problem." Describe how such a firm can create a sustainable competitive advantage.

On Jun 21, 2024

Students will answer this question in a variety of fashions, but all answers should have three major components. (1) Computer Nerds should have employees who add value. The employees as described would certainly be of value to a computer repair firm. To keep them, the firm could pay well and hire a bounty for recruiting new quality computer repair people. The firm could also give productivity bonuses and pay on commission. (2) Computer Nerds should have employees who are rare. There is a limited number of skilled computer repair people on the market today. (3) Computer Nerds should create a culture that cannot be copy. The name suggests that the firm lets the employees have fun with the title of "nerd." It could encourage them to dress the part. Also, given the job being performed, its employees would need considerable autonomy.


Define the cash flow on total assets ratio and explain how it is used to evaluate cash flows and to assess company performance.

On Jun 20, 2024

The cash flow on total assets ratio is defined as cash flows from operations divided by average total assets.The analysis of this ratio is commonly performed over time to determine trends in operating cash flows,especially as compared with operating income.


The __________ emphasizes horizontal specialization, extensive use of personal coordination, and loose rules, policies, and procedures.

A) self-managing bureaucracy
B) mechanistic bureaucracy
C) organic bureaucracy
D) functional bureaucracy
E) departmental bureaucracy

On May 22, 2024



The two basic fundamentals of organizing are differentiation and integration.

On May 21, 2024
