Lacey Stinebrickner




The desired outcome for a patient experiencing insomnia is, "Patient will sleep for a minimum of 5 hours nightly within 7 days." At the end of 7 days, review of sleep data shows the patient sleeps an average of 4 hours nightly and takes a 2-hour afternoon nap. The nurse will document the outcome as

A) consistently demonstrated.
B) often demonstrated.
C) sometimes demonstrated.
D) never demonstrated.

On Jul 12, 2024



When conducting the patient interview,which of the following statements by the nurse are appropriate? Select all that apply.

A) "You shouldn't be smoking cigarettes; you have already had one heart attack."
B) "Why don't you take your blood pressure medications? You need them to keep your blood pressure normal."
C) "I can see that you are in pain right now. Would you like your pain medication and then I can complete the interview a little later?"
D) "I am going to be completing your interview now. Is this a good time for you?"
E) "Have you noticed any changes in your pattern of sleeping?"

On Jun 15, 2024



Upon assessment, the patient is breathing normally and has normal vesicular lung sounds. Which expected inspiratory-to-expiratory breath sounds will the nurse hear?

A) The expiration phase is longer than the inspiration phase.
B) The inspiratory phase lasts exactly as long as the expiratory phase.
C) The expiration phase is 2 times longer than the inspiration phase.
D) The inspiratory phase is 3 times longer than the expiratory phase.

On Jun 11, 2024



Which documentation indicates that the treatment plan for a patient in an alcohol treatment program was effective?

A) Is abstinent for 10 days and states, "I can maintain sobriety one day at a time." Spoke with employer, who is willing to allow the patient to return to work in 3 weeks.
B) Is abstinent for 15 days and states, "My problems are under control." Plans to seek a new job where coworkers will not know history.
C) Attends AA daily; states many of the members are "real" alcoholics and says, "I may be able to help some of them find jobs at my company."
D) Is abstinent for 21 days and says, "I know I can't handle more than one or two drinks in a social setting."

On May 15, 2024



An 85-year-old patient is admitted through the emergency department for confusion and disorientation.The family states,"We don't know what is wrong.He has been fine at home.This confusion just started 2 days ago and seems like it is getting worse." What is the most appropriate first response for the nurse to make?

A) "We will have to place him in temporary restraints for safety purposes."
B) "Can you tell me about his home medications and other illnesses he has?"
C) "Sometimes older people become more confused when they are away from home."
D) "He is 85 years old and this is the age group when Alzheimer's disease begins."

On May 12, 2024