Lashonda Brewington




The tendency for people to hold on to their beliefs-even when their beliefs are discredited by compelling evidence-is known as ____. ​

A) cognitive dissonance
B) belief perseverance ​
C) the A-B problem ​
D) cognitive stickiness ​

On Jul 31, 2024



Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to ____, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to ____.

A) their undesirable characteristics; their desirable characteristics
B) their desirable characteristics; their undesirable characteristics
C) their unusual characteristics; their more common characteristics
D) their more common characteristics; their unusual characteristics

On Jul 02, 2024



Understanding their emotions helps children to do all of the following EXCEPT

A) guide their behavior in social situations.
B) control the way they show their feelings.
C) talk about their feelings.
D) control all social situations.

On Jul 01, 2024



What is instinctive drift and how did the Brelands discover it?

On Jun 02, 2024

Instinctive drift refers to the tendency of animals to revert to their natural, instinctual behaviors, even when trained to perform a specific task. This phenomenon was discovered by Keller and Marian Breland, who were animal behaviorists and trainers.

The Brelands discovered instinctive drift while working with animals in the 1940s. They observed that even after successfully training animals to perform certain tasks, the animals would often revert to their natural instincts, causing them to deviate from the trained behavior. For example, they trained a raccoon to deposit coins into a piggy bank, but the raccoon would often stop and rub the coins together, displaying its natural instinct to wash food before eating it.

This led the Brelands to conclude that animals have a strong tendency to follow their natural instincts, even when trained to do otherwise. This discovery has had significant implications for animal training and behavior modification, as it highlights the importance of understanding and working with an animal's natural instincts rather than trying to completely override them.


Which of the following groups is MOST likely to have been used as subjects for psychological research?

A) a variety of individuals
B) lower-class males
C) lower-class males and females
D) middle- and upper-class white males

On May 31, 2024