Latasha Pendergrass




Which of the following is the best example of an individualistic culture?

A) China
B) United States
C) Japan
D) Sri Lanka

On May 15, 2024



When secreted, the hormone melatonin acts to__________

A) induce hunger.
B) increase alertness.
C) induce sleepiness.
D) induce circadian rhythms.

On May 15, 2024



Discuss the three historical sociological approaches to the law in terms of its definition and function in society.

On May 13, 2024

The consensus perspective argues that the law is a neutral framework for sustaining social stability.From this perspective,formal mechanisms are viewed as necessary in order to create and preserve co-operation leading to the maintenance of order and stability.Within this perspective,the defining of crime is actually a function or outcome of norms and morality and is both uniformly and fairly applied to all persons.
In contrast,the conflict view perceives society as a diverse collection of groups that are continuously in conflict.Within this perspective,the law is understood as a tool that protects the "haves" (those "with")from the "have-nots" (those "without").As a tool of the ruling class,the law protects the property interests of the powerful and also serves to suppress potential political threats to those in power.
The interactionist view holds that crime and the law reflect the beliefs of people who force their definitions of right and wrong on the members of society.Moral crusaders attempt to influence the shaping of the legal process in ways that match their norms and values.Interactionists argue that only when acts viewed and marked as deviant are sanctioned do they become significant and potentially life-changing events.


Which branch of psychology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders

A)  counselling psychology 
B)  developmental psychology 
C)  clinical psychology 
D)  humanistic psychology

On May 12, 2024