Laura Arrojo Fernández




Enduring and usually bureaucratically organized collective attempts to change (or resist change to) part or all of the social order are called:

A) collective actions
B) social movements
C) social organizations
D) social institutions
E) revolutions

On Jul 29, 2024



For the past 30 years,most researchers have recognized that collective action is often not a short-term reaction to disorganization and deprivation.Instead,it is a long-term attempt to correct perceived injustice that requires a sound social-organizational basis.

On Jul 26, 2024



How is doing a replication study useful?

A) A replication study can demonstrate the reliability of the original findings and indicate what changes have occurred since the original study was conducted.
B) A replication study is useful only if the first study was conducted incorrectly or if there are other reasons to be suspicious of the results.
C) Unless there is a well-founded suspicion of deliberate fraud, there is no reason to replicate a study.
D) A replication is usually less expensive because most of the work has previously been done.

On Jul 22, 2024



Explain what a concept is and describe the relationship between concepts and indicator variables.

On Jul 19, 2024

A concept is a general idea or category that represents a set of related phenomena or characteristics. It is an abstract notion that helps us understand and organize the world around us. Concepts can be broad, such as "justice" or "happiness," or more specific, such as "democracy" or "customer satisfaction."

Indicator variables, on the other hand, are specific measures or variables that are used to represent or quantify a concept. They are often used in research and data analysis to operationalize abstract concepts into measurable and observable variables. For example, if we want to measure the concept of "happiness," we might use indicator variables such as self-reported life satisfaction, frequency of positive emotions, or overall well-being.

The relationship between concepts and indicator variables is that indicator variables are used to capture and measure the underlying concept. They provide a way to quantify and study abstract ideas in a more concrete and measurable way. However, it's important to note that while indicator variables can help us understand and study concepts, they may not fully capture the complexity and nuances of the concept itself. Therefore, it's important to carefully select and interpret indicator variables in relation to the concept they are meant to represent.


_____ budgets list expenditures broken down according to programs the agency provides and relates directly to how the agency spends its money in addition to the amount the agency spends.

A) Line-item
B) Incremental
C) Program

On Jul 16, 2024



Most hospice clients pay for their care

A) out of pocket.
B) through private insurance.
C) through family contributions.
D) with Medicare.
E) none of the above

On Jun 26, 2024



In North America, which of the following processes began with the arrival of British Puritan settlers?

A) imperialism
B) colonialism
C) globalization
D) diaspora formation

On Jun 22, 2024



Explain the Thomas theorem and illustrate it with examples from your own experience.

On Jun 19, 2024

The Thomas theorem is a sociological theory that states "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." This means that people's beliefs and interpretations of a situation can have real effects on their behavior and the outcomes of that situation, regardless of whether those beliefs are objectively true.

An example of the Thomas theorem in action can be seen in the workplace. If an employee believes that their boss has a negative opinion of them, they may act more defensively or avoid seeking out opportunities for advancement, which can ultimately impact their career progression. Even if the boss's opinion was not initially negative, the employee's belief in it can create real consequences for their career.

Another example could be in relationships. If one partner believes that the other is being unfaithful, their behavior may change, leading to increased jealousy, suspicion, and ultimately strain on the relationship. This can happen even if the initial belief in infidelity was unfounded.

In my own experience, I have seen the Thomas theorem play out in social situations. For example, if someone believes that they are not well-liked in a group, they may act more withdrawn or defensive, which can lead to others actually perceiving them in a negative light. This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where their initial belief becomes true because of their behavior.

Overall, the Thomas theorem highlights the power of perception and belief in shaping our reality and the outcomes of various situations. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of our interpretations and beliefs, as they can have real consequences in our lives.


Many previously non-democratic nations held competitive elections between the 1970s and the 1990s; however, democracy in these new regimes was often ineffectual and limited. How did many Western political sociologists react to this situation?

A) They rethought the democratic electoral process.
B) They rethought the social preconditions for democracy.
C) They brought in sophisticated economic analyses.
D) They focused their analyses on political elites across nations.

On Jun 16, 2024



Research clearly demonstrates that

A) obesity significantly increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
B) being even slightly overweight significantly lowers life expectancy.
C) individuals eat less at buffets with many options.
D) all of above
E) none of the above

On May 27, 2024