


According to Maslow,truly self-actualized people constitute ____ of the population.

A) less than 1%
B) about 10%
C) about 50%
D) nearly 90%

On Apr 30, 2024



Concerning cognitive needs,studies have been shown that emotionally healthy adults

A) seek knowledge and understanding that help meet their safety needs, not cognitive needs.
B) are wise enough to put the safety needs before cognitive needs.
C) are motivated to improve their knowledge about unexplained events.
D) have no reason to seek new kinds of knowledge, since they already know everything.

On Apr 30, 2024



Girls and boys are still reared according to

A) the norms of the neighborhood where they were raised.
B) the explicit wishes of the grandparents.
C) books on parenting.
D) traditional stereotypes.

On Apr 30, 2024



Suppose your infant's pediatrician recommends that your newborn receive lots of sensory stimulation and that you should try to stimulate the sense that is the most developed.Which of the following techniques might you use?

A) Play classical music softly
B) Rub the infant's back
C) Turn the lights on and off
D) Show the infant complex pictures

On Apr 29, 2024



What are the three categories of stigmas? Provide an example of each.Provide an example of how a person in each category many cope with stigma?

On Apr 28, 2024

There are three categories of stigma.The first are physical challenges, such as a large scar across someone's face.Second, there is stigma of character defects, such as an adult who is sexually attracted to minors.The final category of stigma is membership in an oppressed group, such as Muslim Americans following 9/11.Someone with a facial scar might cope with societal stigma by largely withdrawing from face-to-face interaction and preferring to socialize online.An adult who is sexually attracted to minors might try to pass, hiding their true attraction and discussing attraction to other adults with friends.Muslim Americans following 9/11 might cope with stigma my emphasizing non-stigmatized aspects of their identity, such as membership in the local softball team and volunteer work at the soup kitchen.


A self-image is constructed by the ________ person built on a realistic appraisal of their own abilities,potentials,and weaknesses.

A) normal.
B) neurotic.
C) detached.
D) average.

On Apr 26, 2024