


Sensation thinkers differ from intuitive thinkers as intuitive thinkers

A) are insightful and prefer broad and global issues.
B) are comfortable with abstraction and unstructured situations.
C) like hard facts, clear goals, certainty, and situations of high control.
D) tend to emphasize the impersonal rather than the personal and take a realistic approach to problem solving.
E) are open communicators and sensitive to feelings and values.

On Jul 29, 2024



Metro Holdings Inc. contracts to sell a commercial parking garage to New Property LLC. The contract provides that if Metro does not close the deal by a certain date, it must pay the buyer one-half of the value of the property. This provision is not enforceable if it is

A) meant to pay for additional work in the event of damage.
B) a reasonable estimate of the loss on the breach.
C) designed to penalize Metro.
D) intended to quickly provide cash to New Property.

On Jul 26, 2024



(Table: Fish and Coconut Production Possibilities) Use Table: Fish and Coconut Production Possibilities.The table shows the maximum number of fish and coconuts that Tom and Hank can produce if they produce only one good.In the absence of trade,Tom produces and consumes 9 fish and 2 coconuts,and Hank produces and consumes 3 fish and 2 coconuts.Now they decide to engage in trade.Which statement is INCORRECT?

A) For both to become better off,each should specialize in the production of some good.However,since Hank is equally productive in both goods,it doesn't matter which good each specializes in.
B) For both to become better off,each should specialize completely in the production of the good in which he has a comparative advantage.
C) After trade,it is possible for Tom to consume 9 fish and 2.5 coconuts and for Hank to consume 3 fish and 2.5 coconuts.
D) For each individual,the consumption point after trade will lie outside that individual's production possibility frontier.

On Jun 29, 2024



Which of the following behaviors was not cited as being included in most definitions of an entrepreneur?

A) controlling
B) creation
C) innovation
D) risk assumption

On Jun 25, 2024



Deferred profit-sharing plans are often used as quasi pension plans,particularly in medium-sized companies.

On May 30, 2024



Which feeling below is an example of positive affect?

A) cheerfulness
B) empathetic
C) lethargy
D) self-esteem

On May 26, 2024