


Erika, Jacob's manager, has expressed her annoyance over Jacob's failure to reach office on time every day. As a result, Jacob decides to be punctual. The goal developed by Jacob is an example of a(n) _____.​

A) ​shared goal
B) ​covert goal
C) ​reciprocal goal
D) ​overt goal

On May 02, 2024



In the context of solution-focused brief treatment, which of the following is a stage of solution building?​

A) ​Crisis intervention
B) ​Guided practice
C) ​End-of-session feedback
D) ​Verbal persuasion

On May 02, 2024



Negotiating _____ agreements in parent-child transactions requiring decision making and/or disciplinary actions is a strategy for strengthening parental coalitions.​

A) ​blind alley
B) ​united front
C) ​contract
D) ​reciprocal

On May 02, 2024



Describe the role of social media as a tool to advance a social cause. Provide a rationale in support of your decision.

On May 02, 2024

Answers may vary. In today's world of text messaging, email, social media, online tools, and other forms of digital communication, the capacity to reach, engage, and organize a broad spectrum of people about a particular issue is infinite. However, social media can be combined with good old-fashioned face-to-face contact, such as door knocking. To sharpen the message in which one has identified a community issue, one might consider using the SMART goal framework along with the goal development process. Specifically, it may be easier for young people to access and respond to this form of communication than it is for some older people. Irrespective of age, certain other factors should be considered, such as whether individuals or communities have the capability to communicate using social media tools. It may be necessary to target your evaluation to a specific group. For instance, did a group respond more favorably to an in-person presentation in comparison to other methods, such as a targeted social media message? Collecting this information helps to determine which strategies were the most effective, under what conditions, and for which populations.


In person-centered counseling the focus of the approach is on ______________.

A) what happens
B) diagnosis
C) how things happen
D) symptoms

On May 01, 2024



Navid is a 20-year-old male of Persian descent.His parents moved to the United States when Navid was 15-years-old.He has recently come to counseling because his parents have insisted that he stop smoking pot or they will not pay for him to finish his last semester at college.His father recently stopped talking to him because he is so upset by David's choice to "throw his life away".Navid reports that he frequently hears his mother crying over his drug use.From a systemic counseling perspective,what purpose could Navid's substance use have in his family?

A) Navid's substance use is the product of his addiction.
B) His substance use serves to keep the family connected and roles stable during their period of acculturation.
C) Navid is smoking pot to act out for attention and rebellion.
D) Navid's substance use serves to cover up deeper issues that he has, which would best be discovered in individual therapy.

On Apr 29, 2024



Why is it important for the counselor to encourage the client to stay with difficult feelings?

On Apr 28, 2024

It is important for a counselor to encourage a client to stay with difficult feelings for several reasons:

1. **Processing and Healing**: Difficult feelings are often a sign of unresolved issues or trauma. By staying with these feelings, clients are given the opportunity to process them, which is a crucial step towards healing. Avoiding or suppressing emotions can lead to them manifesting in other, potentially more harmful ways.

2. **Understanding Root Causes**: Encouraging clients to explore their difficult feelings can lead to a better understanding of the root causes of their distress. This understanding is essential for developing effective strategies to address the underlying issues.

3. **Building Emotional Resilience**: Facing and managing difficult emotions can help clients build resilience. Learning that they can experience and survive these feelings can empower them and improve their confidence in handling future challenges.

4. **Developing Emotional Intelligence**: Staying with difficult feelings can enhance a client's emotional intelligence. It allows them to recognize, label, and understand their emotions, which is key to managing them effectively.

5. **Promoting Authenticity**: Encouraging clients to acknowledge and accept their true feelings promotes authenticity. It helps clients to be honest with themselves, which is a foundation for genuine self-improvement and personal growth.

6. **Facilitating Behavioral Change**: Understanding and working through difficult emotions can lead to changes in behavior. For example, recognizing the feelings behind a harmful coping mechanism can lead to the development of healthier coping strategies.

7. **Improving Relationships**: By learning to deal with their own emotions, clients can improve their communication and relationships with others. Emotional awareness can lead to more empathetic interactions and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

8. **Preventing Avoidance Patterns**: Avoidance of difficult feelings can become a pattern that hinders personal development and well-being. By confronting these feelings, clients can break the cycle of avoidance and take proactive steps towards their mental health.

9. **Enhancing Therapeutic Outcomes**: The therapeutic process often involves exploring uncomfortable emotions. Clients who are willing to stay with these feelings tend to gain more from therapy, as they are actively engaging with the material that needs to be addressed.

10. **Creating a Safe Space**: A counselor's encouragement to stay with difficult feelings helps to create a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their vulnerabilities without judgment. This safety is essential for clients to open up and do the deep work necessary for change.

In summary, staying with difficult feelings is a vital part of the therapeutic process. It allows for emotional processing, understanding, growth, and the development of coping strategies, all of which contribute to a client's overall mental health and well-being.