Lemperouge Lelouch




What is the difference between hard money and soft money?

On Jul 21, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Hard money , in federal elections, refers to the contributions by individuals and PACs to specific candidates whose campaigns are regulated by the FECA.Soft money refers to campaign funds raised legally by national political parties and used to influence federal elections, while often circumventing federal restrictions on campaign spending.


For what does the Supreme Court use the clear and present danger test?

On Jul 19, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
The  Supreme Court uses this standard regarding political speech, and states that the government can prohibit political speech only if it can bring about an immediate evil that Congress has a right to prevent.


What is the primary constitutional task of the vice president,besides succeeding the president
In case of death,resignation,or incapacitation?

A) to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives
B) to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate
C) to represent the president overseas
D) to run the day-to-day operations of the Executive Office of the President

On Jun 21, 2024



Which government agencies designed a $700-billion bailout package and convinced Congress
That a rapid response was needed to avert a worldwide depression in 2008?

A) the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System
B) the Department of Commerce and the Office of Management and Budget
C) the Office of Management and Budget and the Council of Economic Advisers
D) the Department of Commerce and the Council of Economic Advisers

On Jun 19, 2024



In recent years,________ has released thousands of secret government documents
Exposing government corruption,torture,and war crimes.

A) the New York Times
B) the Washington Post
C) WikiLeaks
D) Lewis "Scooter" Libby

On Jun 18, 2024



The Supreme Court's decision in King v.Burwell (2015) was significant because it

A) dramatically reduced Congress's power to regulate the health care market under the interstate commerce clause.
B) upheld the "individual mandate" provision of the Affordable Care Act.
C) struck down the "individual mandate" provision of the Affordable Care Act.
D) ensured that federal subsidies to help pay for health insurance would be available to residents in all states.

On Jun 16, 2024



The last election in which a major party presidential candidate accepted public funds was

A) 1996.
B) 2000.
C) 2008.
D) 2016.

On Jun 15, 2024



Activist judges believe that federal judges should

A) always overrule state legislatures and governors when making decisions.
B) interpret the U.S.Constitution according to the intentions of its framers and defer
To the views of Congress when interpreting federal statutes.
C) be more aggressive and ideological than the president when vacancies occur
On the courts.
D) go beyond the words of a constitution or statute to consider the broader societal implications of their decisions.

On Jun 13, 2024