


(Figure: The Market for Sandwiches) Look at the figure The Market for Sandwiches.At the competitive price of $5,10 sandwiches are sold.At this competitive price,consumer surplus equals _____ and producer surplus equals _____. (Figure: The Market for Sandwiches) Look at the figure The Market for Sandwiches.At the competitive price of $5,10 sandwiches are sold.At this competitive price,consumer surplus equals _____ and producer surplus equals _____.   A) $50;$50 B) $100;$50 C) $50;$25 D) $100;$25

A) $50;$50
B) $100;$50
C) $50;$25
D) $100;$25

On Jul 18, 2024



What misconceptions are there about providing praise and recognition?

On Jul 16, 2024

Student answers may vary. Managers tend to think of recognition as appropriate only for major achievements, thereby limiting their opportunity to gain the benefits from this potent managerial practice. Recognition should be provided for a variety of other things, including demonstration of initiative and extra effort in carrying out an assignment or task; achievement of challenging performance goals and standards; personal sacrifices made to accomplish a task or objective; helpful suggestions and innovative ideas for improving efficiency, productivity, or the quality of the work unit's products or services; special efforts to help someone else (e.g., coworker, customer) deal with a problem; and significant contributions made to the success of other individuals or teams. Some managers believe that it is inappropriate to recognize performance improvements if an individual's level of performance is still only average or substandard. However, some form of recognition for improvements is important to encourage and strengthen efforts toward additional improvement. Improvements can be recognized in a way that also communicates an expectation of continuing progress toward excellence. Another fallacy is that recognition must be limited to successful efforts. Sometimes recognition is necessary for unsuccessful efforts to perform an important activity with a low probability of success.


Why should you think through a wiki's long-term purpose before you launch it?

A) Legal requirements state online material must be maintained for at least 10 years
B) Employee turnover will require the start of a new wiki
C) A wiki's purpose drives key matters such as writing guidelines,editorial oversight,and security
D) The long learning curve for new contributors
E) The upcoming obsolescence of wiki technology

On Jun 17, 2024



Ethical theories that are driven from the viewpoint of the leader's character are called ______.

A) teleological theories
B) virtue-based theories
C) deontological theories
D) utilitarianism theories

On Jun 16, 2024



Compare and contrast the HRM practices of a company using a low-cost provider strategy with one using a differentiation strategy.

On May 18, 2024

Low-cost providers provide a product or service at a price lower than that of its competitors while appealing to a broad range of customers.A major emphasis with this type of strategy is to reduce cost;therefore,contingent workers are recruited and paid minimal hourly wages.There is a high turnover of staff and minimal on-the-job training.There are minimal opportunities for career growth and advancement.Businesses using a differentiation strategy seek to differentiate their products in ways that will appeal to a broad range of buyers.More staff training may be required in businesses employing this type of strategy.There is more emphasis on product knowledge and customer service.There may be more opportunities for advancement in this type of business.


Which of the following is an example of an automatic stabilizer?

A) The reduction in the money supply that occurs as banks become less willing to make loans during a recession
B) The reduction in real wages that occurs as the economy goes into a recession
C) The increase in government spending that occurs as the result of new spending bills passed by Congress
D) The rise in tax revenue that occurs as a result of growth in real GDP
E) All of the choices are examples of an automatic stabilizer.

On May 17, 2024