


Which characteristic do recently divorced adults tend to display?

A) autonomy
B) tolerance
C) depression
D) euphoria

On Jul 20, 2024



If a deaf child learns neither spoken language nor sign language during childhood, what happens?

A) The child continues to be open to learning either spoken or sign language later.
B) The child can learn sign language later, but not spoken language.
C) The child will be seriously impaired at learning either kind of language later.
D) The child will be more likely to be bilingual than monolingual.

On Jul 17, 2024



What characterizes friendships in middle adulthood?

A) Friendships are less close and less positive than they were in young adulthood.
B) Individuals have the most friends in midlife, but few are described as close and most as colleagues.
C) Individuals have fewer friends, but they are almost always described as close.
D) Friendships are less likely to be a source of social support because family is more important.

On Jun 20, 2024



How does having an internal locus of control affect academic performance?

On Jun 13, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-People differ in their locus of control, having a generally external or internal locus.
-Having an internal locus of control is a strong predictor of getting better grades.
-Believing that studying matters leads to more studying, which leads to better grades.


Which characteristic is very common in individuals with anorexia nervosa but significantly less common in those who have bulimia nervosa or binge eating?

A) Distortion of body image
B) Fear of becoming overweight
C) Preoccupation with food
D) Loss of menstrual periods

On May 17, 2024



Dr. Katz is a psychologist who is taking part in a large-scale research study to examine the efficacy of one form of psychotherapy over another. With 24 other psychologists involved in providing treatment it is important that potentially confounding variables be controlled for. Which of the following approaches provides the best experimental control?

A) allowing for clinical judgment and intuition in providing therapy
B) using a manualized treatment
C) ensuring that all clinicians have a Ph.D.
D) ensuring that all clinicians agree about the expected outcome

On May 14, 2024