


​In the simultaneous move labor negotiation game:

A) ​The payoffs are always higher if you accommodate
B) The payoffs are always higher if you bargain hard
C) The payoffs from accommodating are only higher if your opponent bargains hard
D) ​The payoffs from accommodating are only higher if your opponent accommodates

On Jul 14, 2024



To exploit an expected decrease in interest rates, an investor would most likely

A) buy Treasury bond futures.
B) take a long position in wheat futures.
C) buy S&P 500 Index futures.
D) take a short position in Treasury bond futures.
E) None of the options are correct.

On Jul 13, 2024



Describe three ways that human specialization contributes to society's output.

On Jun 14, 2024

Human specialization makes use of differences in abilities, which means that individuals can take advantage of the differences in their abilities and skills; fosters learning by doing, which means that as individuals devote time to a single task, they develop the skills required; and saves time, which means that as a person devotes time to a single task, that person avoids the loss of time incurred in shifting from one job to another.


Jasmine Doh is considering using cost drivers that are measured in dollars (rather than physical units) for her company. Your advice is:

A) This is a good idea as cost drivers measured in dollars are usually already recorded in the accounting system.
B) This is a good idea as it avoids estimating costs associated with each physical unit of cost driver.
C) This is a bad idea because dollar-based cost drivers are subject to price change.
D) This is a bad idea because using dollar-based cost drivers oversimplifies the cost allocation process.

On Jun 13, 2024



If Tomas decides to register the photographs for copyright protection, how would he go about doing so?

A) He would register by filing a form with the Register of Copyright and providing two copies of the copyrighted materials to the Library of Congress.
B) He only has to register by filing a form with the Register of Copyright.
C) He only has to provide two copies of the copyrighted materials to the Library of Congress.
D) He would register by affixing the appropriate symbol at the bottom of the photograph followed by the first date of publication and his name.
E) He would register by filing notice with the Copyright Protection Office.

On May 15, 2024



Roxta Biscuits and Seven Eleven Supermarkets enter a contract where the biscuit-making company will supply 1,000 biscuit packs a day at $50 each to the supermarket chain for the next six months.However,Roxta Biscuits stops their supplies to the supermarkets mid-way,claiming that the prices of each biscuit pack,due to severe inflation,are $80.If Roxta continued to deliver at $50,it would lose $20 per biscuit pack it delivered.Seven Eleven Supermarkets sues Roxta,saying that it has to oblige by the contract signed.Evaluate the case.

On May 14, 2024

The court is likely to apply the doctrine of commercial impracticability in this case.While it is still possible for Roxta to deliver the number of biscuits as per the contract with Seven Eleven,it would come at a big loss for the biscuit company.Since the inflation is an unforeseen circumstance that does not undermine the contract,the court is likely to suggest that the parties enter a new contract mentioning the new prices of biscuits.In case Seven Eleven does not agree to do so,the court will practice the commercial impracticability and excuse the nonperformance of Roxta Biscuits.