


Personality has a large effect on how an individual perceives other people.

On Jul 14, 2024



A bank may contractually shift to its customer the risk of forged checks created electronically or otherwise by the use non-manual signatures.

On Jul 01, 2024



In which of the following would the plaintiff not succeed in an action for negligence?

A) A zoning officer carelessly told Mr. Lee that the lot was zoned "commercial," but it was really zoned "duplex." Lee lost $85,000 by relying on this information.
B) An accounting firm made a mistake in the audited financial statements, which caused an investor to lose $20,000. The firm knew the investor was going to rely on the statements to invest.
C) May was made sick by drinking a contaminated cola, bottled by Black, bought for her by her friend Fred from Green.
D) Dr. Zotsky used the skill of a reasonable doctor in his field, but his patient did not respond to the treatment and lost sight in one eye.
E) Nick was a willing passenger when Alex was driving at 140 km/h. He was hurt when the car slid on wet pavement and crashed. The court found Nick took the physical risk, but never took the legal risk.

On Jun 13, 2024



Which of the following is considered a primary market transaction?

A) A firm sells stock to the public for the first time in an IPO.
B) An investor buys stock in Chrysler Canada from his buddy.
C) Chrysler Canada's stockholders sell some of their shares to an activist investor.
D) On September 25, 1995, 30.8 million shares of stock changed hands on the TSX.
E) Labatt's just announced what their upcoming quarterly dividend payment will be.

On Jun 01, 2024



Amabile argues that in order for creativity to occur, we must have ______, or knowledge about the subject and the skills and talent to provide the most creative and productive responses.

A) domain-relevant skills and expertise
B) intrinsic task motivation
C) extrinsic environmental components
D) creativity-relevant processes

On May 02, 2024



Explain why the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 is the most comprehensive law regarding worker safety.

On May 01, 2024

Answers will vary. OSHA authorized the U.S. government to create and enforce various standards regarding occupational safety and health. The responsibility for enforcing the provisions of OSHA was assigned to the Department of Labor. This enforcement group today is called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration but still operates within the Department of Labor. Through research and analysis of workplace statistics, OSHA has created various safety standards. These standards are defined as "practices, means, operations, or processes, reasonably necessary to provide safe . . . employment." The various standards that OSHA creates are regularly published and disseminated to employers across the country. Organizations are responsible for keeping current on OSHA standards, which can be difficult because of the length and volume of the various sets of regulations and standards. Each year, new standards, revisions of old standards, or extensions or reinterpretations of various existing standards are published by OSHA in volumes that total hundreds of pages in length.


An important similarity between a monopolistically competitive firm and a pure monopolist is that both:

A) realize an economic profit in the long run.
B) achieve allocative efficiency.
C) face demand curves that are less than perfectly elastic.
D) achieve productive efficiency.

On Apr 30, 2024