


Iggy and Jen sign a contract by which Iggy agrees to deliver and install a gas fireplace on October 15 in exchange for Jen's promise to pay the $500 price within ten days of the install date. The delivery and installation of the fireplace and the payment of the price are examples of

A) conditions precedent.
B) concurrent conditions.
C) conditions subsequent.
D) implied conditions.

On Jul 19, 2024



The partnership is the least common form of business organization in the United States.

On Jul 16, 2024



When faced with an anticipatory breach, what is the risk if the innocent party insists on performance?

On Jun 19, 2024

That party is bound by the choice. If that party cannot perform, then he or she would also be in breach.


Keira is a customer service executive in an insurance company. In a feedback meeting, her supervisor asks her why she sounded angry with one of the customers. Keira replied, "Well, if you think I am doing such a bad job, why don't you just go ahead and fire me? I know you don't like me." Which defensive reaction is Keira using?

A) Passive-aggressive
B) Red herring
C) Pointless explanation
D) Counterattack

On Jun 16, 2024



A process cost accounting system is most appropriate when

A) a variety of different products are produced each one requiring different types of materials labor and overhead.
B) the focus of attention is on a particular job or order.
C) similar products are mass-produced.
D) individual products are custom made to the specification of customers.

On May 20, 2024



Environmentalists have continually argued for the use of alternatives to fossil fuels to generate energy.Harnessing wind power by setting up wind farms had been one alternative proposed and implemented.As it is now known that these wind farms lead to the slicing and dicing of migratory birds and the decimation of the local bat population,we could say that environmentalists have committed the:

A) fallacy of composition.
B) fallacy that association is causation.
C) fallacy of segmentation.
D) mistake of ignoring secondary effects.
E) mistake of ignoring the obvious.

On May 17, 2024