Lizbeth Zuniga morales




In describing your company's product, you should not compare it with a competitor's product because the competitor will sue your company for misrepresentation.

On Sep 27, 2024



Pick one of the sixteen questions raised in Chapter 1 that intrigues you, and write an essay that answers the question in your own terms.   Make sure you (a)construct an argument, with supporting reasons for your answer, and then (b)raise one point that either presents an opposing argument to your point of view or develops an alternative response to the question.

On Sep 23, 2024

One of the questions raised in Chapter 1 that intrigues me is "What impact does technology have on human relationships?" This question is particularly relevant in today's society, where technology plays a significant role in how we communicate and interact with one another.

In my opinion, technology has both positive and negative impacts on human relationships. On the positive side, technology has made it easier for people to stay connected, regardless of physical distance. Social media, messaging apps, and video calls allow us to maintain relationships with friends and family members who may live far away. Additionally, technology has provided new ways for people to meet and connect with others, whether through online dating platforms or shared interest groups on social media.

However, the negative impact of technology on human relationships cannot be ignored. The constant use of smartphones and other devices can lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions, leading to a decline in the quality of communication and connection. Additionally, the rise of social media has led to issues such as cyberbullying, comparison, and unrealistic expectations in relationships.

One opposing argument to my point of view is that technology has actually improved human relationships by providing more opportunities for communication and connection. Some may argue that technology has allowed people to maintain relationships that would have otherwise faded due to distance or lack of communication.

An alternative response to the question could be that the impact of technology on human relationships ultimately depends on how it is used. If individuals are mindful of their technology usage and make an effort to prioritize in-person interactions, technology can enhance rather than hinder relationships.

In conclusion, the impact of technology on human relationships is complex and multifaceted. While it has undoubtedly made it easier for people to connect and stay in touch, it has also presented challenges that can negatively affect the quality of relationships. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their technology usage and strive for a balance between virtual and in-person interactions in order to maintain healthy and meaningful relationships.