


A sales manager who was trying to rank fourteen salespeople was having trouble because two of her salespeople had more than $100,000 in sales, three had less than $30,000 in sales, and the rest fell in the middle. What method would you recommend the sales manager use if she wants to use a norm-referenced appraisal?

A) forced distribution
B) graphics rating scale
C) absolute standard
D) behaviorally anchored rating scale
E) direct index approach

On Sep 28, 2024



Which of the following is an example of leader-member exchange theory?

A) A leader who is concerned with accomplishing a task by organizing others
B) A leader who is concerned with reducing tension and maintaining morale
C) A leader who consults with employees about work-related matters
D) A leader who is concerned about maintaining high-quality social exchange relationships
E) A leader who provides employees with a new vision that instills true commitment

On Sep 22, 2024