


The nurse is working on a committee to evaluate the need for increasing the levels of fluoride in the drinking water of the community.In doing so,the nurse is fostering which concept?

A) Anticipatory prevention.
B) Primary prevention.
C) Secondary prevention.
D) Tertiary prevention.

On Jul 09, 2024



A nurse presents a community education program about mental illness. Which comment by a participant best demonstrates a correct understanding of mental illness from a biological perspective?

A) "Some people experience life events so traumatic that they cannot be overcome."
B) "Disturbed and conflicted family relationships are usually a starting place for mental illness."
C) "My friend has had bipolar disorder for years and many problems have resulted. It's not her fault."
D) "Mental illness is the result of developmental complications that cause a person not to grow to their full potential."

On Jul 06, 2024



The laboratory report for a patient taking clozapine (Clozaril) shows a white blood cell count of 3000 mm³ and a granulocyte count of 1500 mm³. The nurse should:

A) report the laboratory results to the health care provider.
B) give the next dose of the medication as prescribed.
C) administer aspirin and force fluids.
D) repeat the laboratory tests.

On Jun 09, 2024



An adult diagnosed with conversion (functional neurobiological symptom) disorder says, "Our family has gotten along over the years by working together. My partner cooks and the children clean house." Nursing interventions should recognize that the patient likely:

A) receives secondary gains from the symptoms.
B) has problems with sexual identity and satisfaction.
C) will be resistant to developing a trusting relationship.
D) will benefit from confrontation about physical complaints.

On Jun 06, 2024