


What was one factor that allowed the Gaullist government and French companies to head off the 1968 strike movement,leaving students alone in their protests?

A) They promised to investigate police brutality.
B) They promised to end French support for the American war in Vietnam.
C) They promised new elections to remove Georges Pompidou from office.
D) They promised to legalize the Communist party.
E) They promised to raise wages.

On Aug 04, 2024



Approximately how many Africans entered Mexico during the first century of Spanish presence there?

A) 600
B) 6000
C) 60,000
D) 600,000

On Aug 01, 2024



The Second Great Awakening both took advantage of the market revolution and criticized its excesses.

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following statements accurately describes the background of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?

A) The vast majority had risen from humble origins, much as Alexander Hamilton had.
B) Very few had attended college, even though college education was on the rise in America.
C) Nearly half owned slaves, and most had come from wealth or been born into propertied families.
D) Very few had engaged in politics prior to the Revolution, and most were skeptical of national authority.
E) Most had risen to prominence through their rejection of slavery and insistence on equality for all.

On Jun 30, 2024



What island was the origin of the largest contingent of Afro-Caribbeans to migrate to the United States?

A) Jamaica
B) Cuba
C) Nevis
D) Barbados

On Jun 28, 2024



What perspective did the Mensheviks in Russia have during the early twentieth century?

A) Mensheviks believed revolution was only possible through democratic means.
B) Mensheviks saw the peasantry as the revolutionary class.
C) Mensheviks supported the First World War as a means of increasing Russian power.
D) Mensheviks thought only a minority of workers would be politically conscious and that they would have to be led by intellectuals.
E) Mensheviks insisted that a bourgeois revolution would have to precede the proletarian revolution.

On Jun 01, 2024



What were some examples of African resistance to European imperial expansion?

On May 29, 2024

A strong answer would include
-a discussion of the conflict between the United Kingdom and the Boers that culminated in the Boer War in South Africa from 1899 to 1902.
-an explanation of Abyssinia's defeat of Italy at the Battle of Adowa in 1896,the first African defeat of a European army in the field.
-a description of the Mahdi's fundamentalist Islamic and national revolt,and his forces' defeat of Charles Gordon in Khartoum in 1884.
-an explanation of the "weapons of the weak," such as riots,individual subversion,foot-dragging,and pretending not to understand.
-a discussion of the development of art,including dance,theater,and song,in which Africans ridiculed Europeans.


Once Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691

A) it was required to abide by the English Act of Toleration, which displeased many Puritan leaders.
B) it received the right to have its voters elect its own governor and legislative assembly.
C) Plymouth was split off from Massachusetts to become its own independent colony.
D) church membership became the chief legal requirement for voting.
E) social tensions generally decreased and a relatively peaceful period ensued.

On May 28, 2024



In the 1850s, which of the following cities was the center of the clothing trade?

A) Boston
B) Cincinnati
C) New Orleans
D) New York

On May 27, 2024