


A female black cat mated with an albino male and gave birth to six black kittens. When the albino male was mated with a different female black cat, three black cats and two albino cats were produced. How can you explain this pattern of heredity? Write genotypes for all three parental cats and offspring.

On Jun 21, 2024

Concepts to Consider: The first female black cat was homozygous dominant for the albinism gene. The second female black cat was heterozygous. The albino male was homozygous recessive. All the offspring from the first mating were heterozygous. In the second mating, the black offspring were heterozygous, while the albinos were all homozygous recessive.


Describe the problems associated with a terrestrial existence and some of the adaptations of some animals for dealing with these problems.

On Jun 19, 2024

Concepts to Consider: The main problem with living on land is desiccation. Many animals have a body covering or integument that limits water loss. In addition, an efficient excretory system and the location of the respiratory system deep within the body also limit water loss. Another problem associated with a terrestrial existence is the effects of gravity, since there is no water to buoy the bodies of terrestrial organisms. Some animals overcome this problem by having small bodies or having strong supporting structures such as exoskeletons or endoskeletons. A third problem with living on land is how to join sperm and eggs. This can be overcome by having internal fertilization (copulation). Finally, eggs that are released from terrestrial animals may desiccate if they are not protected. One means of protection is surrounding eggs with a tough covering that prevents water loss, or storing eggs inside the body of the mother, surrounded by the body fluids of the parent.


Peripheral proteins are linked to either surface of the plasma membrane by

A) covalent disulfide bonds.
B) associating with fatty acids through hydrophobic interactions.
C) associating with glycoproteins on the inner membrane surface.
D) bonding to integral proteins through noncovalent interactions.
E) embedding in only one side of the membrane.

On May 22, 2024



Near the poles, what is generally the overriding climate factor?

A) Temperature
B) Precipitation
C) Latitude
D) Altitude
E) pH

On May 20, 2024