


When a job interviewer indicates the interview is coming to a close,you should

A) try to prolong the interview,since the more the interviewer interacts with you,the better impression you'll make.
B) leave as quickly as possible.
C) find out what will happen next.
D) press for an immediate decision on whether or not you got the job.
E) ask how you compare to other candidates.

On Jul 12, 2024



Discuss the importance of putting contracts in writing, both from a legal perspective and from a practical business point of view.

On Jul 10, 2024

Here students should outline the instances under the Statute of Frauds in which a contract must be evidenced in writing in order to be enforceable. Students should make clear that writing has no impact on the validity of the agreement, only on whether or not the courts will enforce it. Examples include contracts not to be performed within one year, land dealings, guarantees, etc. (bearing in mind the situation in the relevant province). This question, however, goes further and requires students to address practical issues. Good students will note that people may remember things differently over time, making it critical that there is a permanent record of some form. The existence of a document may help to prevent litigation or may be useful in narrowing down issues in a lawsuit. A verbal agreement may be binding, but a written contract can provide important evidence of that agreement.


There are three definitions to aid understanding of some of the similarities, differences, and linkages between purchasing, procurement, and strategic sourcing. Define them, and discuss the differences between the three.

On Jun 12, 2024

Purchasing, procurement, and strategic sourcing are receiving considerable attention as organizations try to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chains.Purchasing: The transactional function of buying products and services. In a business setting, this commonly involves the placement and processing of a purchase order.Procurement: Refers to the process of managing a broad range of processes that are associated with a company's need to procure goods and services that are required to manufacture a product (direct) or to operate the organization (indirect). Strategic sourcing: Essentially, the strategic sourcing process is broader and more comprehensive than the procurement process. Strategic sourcing takes the process further, focuses more on supply chain impacts of procurement and purchasing decisions, and works cross-functionally within the business to help achieve the organization's overall business goals.


The real interest rate is the interest rate corrected for inflation.

On Jun 10, 2024



Which of the following dispatching rules ordinarily gives the best results when the criterion is lowest time for completion of the full sequence of jobs?

A) shortest processing time (SPT)
B) critical ratio (CR)
C) first in, first out (FIFO)
D) first come, first served (FCFS)
E) longest processing time

On May 12, 2024



Which of the following is a guideline for completing email messages?

A) Avoid using email signatures since they come across as being impersonal.
B) Use multiple fonts, colours, and all caps to highlight your main points.
C) Revise and proofread your email before you send it out.
D) Include long reports or other complex messages in the body of the email instead of attaching it.

On May 11, 2024