


After many attempts to negotiate with the government for the return of land they believed belonged to them, a group from Stoney Point First Nation planned a peaceful demonstration to occupy the land.When the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) attempted to remove the protestors by force, an unarmed Ojibwa protestor named Dudley George was shot and later died.What is this tragic incident called?

A) The Oka Crisis
B) The Kanesatake Crisis
C) The Ipperwash Crisis
D) The Ojibwa Crisis

On Jul 13, 2024



What are the required elements of promissory estoppel? If these requirements are met, must you still prove there was consideration?

On Jul 09, 2024

The required elements of primary estoppel are:
• There must be a clear and definite promise.
• The promisee must justifiably rely on the promise.
• The reliance normally must be of a substantial and definite character.
• Justice will be better served by enforcement of the promise.
If these requirements are met, a promise may be enforced even though it is not supported by consideration.


The use of paralegals to do substantive legal work provides the public with greater access to legal services because the hourly rate for paralegals is_____________ that for attorneys.

A) higher than
B) lower than
C) the same as
D) equal to

On Jun 12, 2024



States that use the Model Code of Professional Responsibility include which of the following?

A) California
B) Maine
C) New York
D) All of these choices are correct.

On Jun 09, 2024



Many states have a "50 percent" rule in their comparative negligence statutes. This means that the plaintiff recovers

A) nothing if he or she was more than 50 percent at fault.
B) 50 percent of damages even if he or she was less than 50 percent at fault.
C) 50 percent of damages if he or she was 50 percent at fault.
D) None of these choices is correct.

On May 13, 2024



Law firms keep track of billable time by requiring legal professionals to submit time slips, and usually require attorneys or paralegals to generate a minimum number of billable hours per year. The reason for requiring a minimum number of billable hours is

A) to accurately bill clients.
B) to subject legal professionals to a significant amount of pressure.
C) that the financial well-being of the firm depends on the number of billable hours generated by its employees.
D) that only billable hours can be billed to the clients.

On May 10, 2024