


Polygyny is legal in four states in the United States.​

On Jul 24, 2024



The least biased measure of a culture's success may be based on answering the simple question about how well a particular culture satisfies the __________ and psychological needs of those whose behavior it guides.​

On Jul 20, 2024



Different cultures and individuals measure progress differently. Having learned more about the Neolithic period, where do you stand? Do you believe we can evaluate this historical period as progress? Why or why not?​

On Jun 21, 2024

Different cultures and individuals do indeed measure progress differently, and this is especially true when it comes to evaluating historical periods such as the Neolithic period. The Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age, was a time of significant change as humans transitioned from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more settled, agricultural way of life. This period saw the development of farming, animal domestication, and the creation of permanent settlements.

From a modern perspective, these developments are often seen as signs of progress, as they allowed for the growth of communities, the development of specialized skills, and the eventual rise of complex societies. However, it's important to consider that progress is not a universal concept and can be viewed differently depending on cultural and individual perspectives.

For some, the shift to agriculture and settled living may be seen as progress due to the increased stability and potential for technological advancement. Others may view it as a regression, as it led to increased social stratification, environmental degradation, and a loss of traditional knowledge and practices.

Ultimately, whether we can evaluate the Neolithic period as progress depends on our own values and beliefs. It's important to consider the complexities and nuances of this historical period and to recognize that progress is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's also important to consider the impact of these developments on different cultures and societies, as well as the long-term consequences of the changes that occurred during the Neolithic period.


Asian culture values collectivism. In what ways has this been problematic to their acceptance in the United States?

A) It conflicts with American values of individual achievement.
B) It is often associated with communism.
C) It conflicts with American values of capitalism.
D) All of these

On Jun 17, 2024



The most recent and significant group of Arab immigration was

A) Christian Arabs from Syria and Lebanon.
B) Palestinians with a strong Arab identity.
C) Iraqis escaping the Iraq-Iran war and the first Gulf war.
D) Iraqis arriving after September 11, 2011.

On May 21, 2024



There is a great deal of scientific controversy surrounding whether:​

A) ​Neandertals existed outside of modern-day Europe
B) ​anatomically modern humans are related to Neandertals
C) ​there is a genetic relationship between Homo erectus and Neandertals
D) ​genetic ancestry between Homo habilis and anatomically modern humans exists

On May 18, 2024