Marie-France Muyumba




In the United States, _____ of people are classified as regular drinkers, ____ as binge drinkers, and____ as heavy drinkers.​

A) ​50%, 25%, 13%
B) 50%, 23%, 6%
C) ​66%, 15%, 10%
D) ​66%, 10%, 6%

On Jul 15, 2024



When young people are injured or die unintentionally, _______ are the most frequent causes.​

A) ​suicides
B) ​homicides
C) ​car crashes
D) ​drownings

On Jul 12, 2024



Which of the following is a benefit associated with increased physical activity?

A) increased blood fats
B) higher resting heart rate
C) improved mood
D) lower bone density

On Jun 14, 2024



Identify two broad factors that account for differences between life expectancy and health expectancy in the USA, including examples explaining the second factor. Identify an expert recommendation based on these differences.

On Jun 11, 2024

A. One reason that life expectancy and health expectancy differ is the effects of economic factors.
1. Comparing the wealthiest and poorest countries, or even the wealthiest and poorest sectors of the population within one country, yield even bigger differences.
2. Rich people live not only more years, but also more healthy years.
B. A second factor accounting for the difference is the changing nature of disease.
1. Life expectancy is affected by diseases that cause death.
2. Health expectancy is affected by diseases that compromise health.
3. Circulatory disorders are the leading diseases affecting both life expectancy and health expectancy.
4. Cancer and accidents are major factors affecting life expectancy.
5. Disorders restricting movement and respiratory disorders are major factors affecting health expectancy.
6. Depression affects health expectancy more than it affects life expectancy.
C. Interventions designed to improve life expectancy will not necessarily improve health expectancy or quality of life.
1. Therefore, experts recommend that as an index of a population’s overall health, its health expectancy (not life expectancy) be used.


Explain how men and women handle stress differently.

On May 15, 2024

Answers should include hormones,culture,social interaction vs.withdrawal,and health and life expectancy.


​In research literature reviews, which of the following alternative treatments has been found effective for preventing formerly depressed patients from relapsing?

A) ​Acupuncture
B) ​St. John's Wort
C) ​Mindfulness-based stress reduction
D) ​Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

On May 12, 2024