


What are vesting rights?

A) the ability of retired employees to retain their seniority if they return to work at their former employer
B) a government commitment to provide retirement benefits to all U.S. workers
C) the designation that retired workers will receive cost-of-living increases as part of their monthly pension checks
D) the guarantee that employees in a pension plan will receive a pension at retirement age, regardless of whether they stay with the employer
E) the ability of younger workers to move their retirement savings to another account after leaving a specific employer

On Jul 27, 2024



A controversy exists as to whether the provision of ________ rewards for task performance might damage intrinsic motivation.

On Jun 30, 2024



If the parent company uses the equity method to record its investment in a subsidiary in its internal accounting records, which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) The parent's net income equals consolidated net income.
B) The parent's retained earnings will be equal to consolidated retained earnings.
C) Only the parent's share of the subsidiary's income, dividends and amortization of acquisition differential are recorded in the investor's records.
D) The parent's net income equals consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of the parent.

On Jun 26, 2024



Set forth the characteristics that a traveler's check must have.

On May 31, 2024

A traveler's check must:
(1) Be payable on demand;
(2) Be drawn on or through a bank;
(3) Be designated by the phrase "traveler's check"; and
(4) Require a countersignature by a person whose signature appears on the instrument. [UCC 3-104(i)]


When bonds are converted to common stock

A) the market value method adds book value to stockholder's equity
B) the market value method subtracts loss from retained earnings
C) the book value method adds market value to stockholder's equity
D) the book value method subtracts loss from retained earnings

On May 27, 2024