


The term "net working capital" means:

A) the firm's gross working capital minus spontaneous financing.
B) the firm's cash, accounts receivable, and inventory minus short-term payables and accruals.
C) the firm's current assets minus its current liabilities.
D) All of the above

On Jun 06, 2024



Which is not an application of sustainability?

A) Buying electric vehicles
B) Reducing water consumption in the production process
C) Replacing your laptop with a more energy efficient laptop
D) Buying a new cell phone
E) Using thinner packaging

On Jun 06, 2024



Identify two client excesses and two client deficits that you may encounter as a helper.

On Jun 05, 2024

As a helper, I may encounter clients who exhibit excesses in their behavior or emotions. Two examples of client excesses could be excessive anger or aggression, and excessive dependency or neediness. Clients who display excessive anger or aggression may have difficulty controlling their emotions and may react impulsively in challenging situations. On the other hand, clients who exhibit excessive dependency or neediness may rely heavily on others for validation and support, and may struggle with making decisions independently.

In addition to client excesses, I may also encounter clients who exhibit deficits in certain areas. Two examples of client deficits could be a lack of motivation or initiative, and a lack of emotional expression or insight. Clients who lack motivation or initiative may struggle to set and achieve goals, and may require additional support and encouragement to take action. Similarly, clients who have a deficit in emotional expression or insight may have difficulty identifying and expressing their feelings, and may benefit from interventions that help them develop greater self-awareness and emotional regulation skills. As a helper, it is important to recognize and address both client excesses and deficits in order to provide effective support and guidance.


The classified balance sheet will show which asset subsections?

A) current assets and other equity
B) current assets and property, plant, and equipment
C) current liabilities and short-term assets
D) other revenues and property, plant and equipment

On May 07, 2024



A resource that is nonexcludable and rival in consumption is a

A) private resource.
B) public resource.
C) common resource.
D) government resource.

On May 06, 2024