Mary Angelei Jingco




Which of the following statements is most accurate?

A) Media coverage can only enhance the preexisting beliefs that people have about an issue.
B) Media can only affect the public's level of concern about an issue to the extent that the issue is truly a social or practical problem.
C) Media coverage can't affect people's perceptions of most social issues.
D) Media coverage of an issue can result in the public becoming more concerned about an issue even when objective indicators suggest the problem is declining.

On Sep 28, 2024



Donna has little interest in attending college after high school. What are schools doing that will result in Donna being unprepared for the job market?

A) focusing more energy on college-bound students and little on vocational training
B) pressuring students to go to college which gives them little time to learn a skill because of homework demands
C) isolating non-college-bound students from peers who are going on to college
D) sending the message that non-college-bound students are unworthy of education, increasing the dropout rate

On Sep 22, 2024