Mary-Juliet Anyaku




What was one of the most important reasons that scientific thought was popular in England?

A) James II promoted it.
B) Censorship was relatively rare.
C) Scientific experimentation was highly funded by the Catholic Church.
D) The greatest scientists were not connected to universities.
E) Political authority was highly centralized.

On Sep 29, 2024



By what name was Josip Broz,the commander of anti-Nazi partisans in Yugoslavia,better known?

A) Ustasa
B) Chetnik
C) Tito
D) De Gaulle
E) Moulin

On Sep 25, 2024



How did the policies of Napoleon III help transform the French economy?

On Sep 22, 2024

A strong answer would include
-an explanation of direct government attention to the economy,with emphasis on how government officials coordinated the activities of various departments and ministries while keeping close relations with businessmen.
-a discussion of how the government encouraged the establishment of mortgage and investment banks,which loaned money to businesses and stimulated the economy.
-an explanation of the fact that France exported huge amounts of capital,which helped building projects in other countries (Portugal,Egypt).
-an explanation of how the Bank of France became the main investor in the building of French railroads.
-an explanation of how the French government guaranteed to individuals a minimum return on their investments,thus encouraging investing.