


According to researchers, this drug might be effective in preventing relapse in recovering alcoholics.

A) acamprosate
B) dopamine
C) nicotine
D) phenal-benzoate

On Jul 27, 2024



Responding to the argument that gender differences are often by-products of a culture's social and family structures,an evolutionary psychologist is most likely to point to

A) our great human capacity for learning.
B) the tendency of cultural arguments to reinforce traditional gender inequalities.
C) the infallibility of hindsight explanations.
D) all of these statements.

On Jul 26, 2024



After training one of his dogs to salivate in response to a tone,Pavlov continued to present the tone periodically without the food.What did the dog do

A)  It kept responding at the same intensity, despite extended exposure to the tone alone. 
B)  It stopped responding immediately. 
C)  It initially responded to the tone at an even greater intensity than before. 
D)  It gradually stopped responding to the tone.

On Jun 27, 2024



Five-to seven-year-olds are able to judge their abilities in seven different areas. These areas include physical ability, physical appearance, peer relationships,parent relationships, reading, mathematics, and

A) general school performance.
B) moral development.
C) musical ability.
D) level of altruism.

On Jun 26, 2024



Discuss life reviews and their significance among the elderly.

On May 28, 2024

Answers will vary. Daniel Levinson theorized that one aspect of the "midlife crisis" was that people realized they had more to look back on than forward to. In fact, one of the complaints younger people sometimes level at older relatives is that they too often engage in reminiscence-that is, relating stories from the distant past. At times, it may seem that some older people live in the past, possibly in denial of current decline and the approach of death. Reminiscence was once considered a symptom of dementia, but contemporary researchers consider it to be a normal aspect of aging. In working with healthy older volunteers as individuals and in groups, Robert Butler   found that life reviews can be complex and nuanced, incoherent and self-contradictory, or even replete with irony, tragedy, and comedy. Butler believes that older people engage in life reviews to attempt to make life meaningful, to move on with new relationships as contemporaries pass on, and to help them find ego integrity and accept the end of life. Butler   also argues that health-care professionals rely far too much on drugs to ease the discomforts of older adults. Pilot programs suggest that therapists may be able to relieve depression and other psychological problems in older adults by helping them reminisce about their lives.


Which one of the following is not a true statement regarding the current drug laws and prison population in the United States?

A) Each year from 2002 to 2012,over 80% of those incarcerated for drug related offenses were incarcerated for intent to distribute or manufacture and not for use.
B) Recidivism rates for those who are arrested for a dug offense is estimated to be 40% within 3 years.
C) Although there has been a decline in the past 10 years for violent crimes,incarcerations for substance abuse issues has increased.
D) Of those incarcerated for substance related issues,only about 11% have received any type of treatment.

On May 27, 2024