


The ______________ is a mutual defense pact between the United States and eleven other nations promising to stand united in the face of military aggression, specifically by the Soviet Union

A) Atomic Diplomacy Plan
B) Marshall Plan
C) National Security Council
D) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

On Jul 23, 2024



Why was the planned 1960 summit meeting in Paris between Eisenhower and Khrushchev canceled?

A) An attempt by dissenters in the Soviet Politburo to depose Khrushchev posed a threat to his power.
B) It appeared that the meeting might benefit the Democrats in the upcoming presidential election.
C) The United States refused to apologize after an American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union.
D) Conservative Republicans bitterly protested Eisenhower's willingness to meet with Khrushchev.

On Jul 19, 2024



Property qualifications for holding office

A) were the same in every colony as they were for voting.
B) meant that women served regularly in colonial legislatures.
C) meant that the landed gentry wielded considerable power in colonial legislatures.
D) existed for legislators but not for judges, who were esteemed for their legal ability.
E) disappeared from Parliament before they were eliminated by colonial legislatures.

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following is true of the administration of George W. Bush?

A) It was strongly opposed to drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
B) It asked Congress to repeal all environmental regulations.
C) It oversaw the dismantling of environmental restrictions on the oil, timber, and mining industries.
D) It supported severe restrictions on emissions by automobiles and power plants to prevent further depletion of the earth's ozone layer.

On Jun 18, 2024



English writers compared Native Americans to what other people, claiming that both peoples' refusal to respect English authority and convert to English Protestantism was barbaric?

A) the Dutch
B) the French
C) the Irish
D) the Spanish
E) the Portuguese

On Jun 14, 2024



Some people in America criticized the British emancipation of all slaves in the 1830s on what grounds?

A) Many ex-slaves moved to West Africa, where they were re-enslaved.
B) Violent revolutions occurred in many British colonies in the 1840s.
C) Many freed slaves moved to the United States, flooding an already full labor market.
D) The economy of the Caribbean was harmed as a result.
E) Many ex-slaves could not find work and became homeless.

On May 22, 2024



In the 1890s, which new science ranked the world's peoples in a racial hierarchy according to their supposed stage of development?

A) biology
B) political science
C) anthropology
D) philology

On May 19, 2024



What was the outcome of the second battle of Manassas in 1862?

A) It was a major victory for the north.
B) It gave General Lee the ability to march northward.
C) It made a hero out of General John Pope.
D) Neither side gained an advantage.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following statements explains why the phrase "labor's great upheaval" accurately describes some of the events of 1934?

A) Small-scale craft workers participated in strikes on an unprecedented level.
B) The violent textile strike on the East Coast was overwhelmingly successful.
C) Five thousand auto workers in Toledo, Kansas, battled the police and the National Guard.
D) There were at least 2,000 strikes that year, many producing violent confrontations with police.
E) Peaceful protests successfully changed nearly all standing labor laws.

On May 12, 2024



Who was the founder of Mormon Church?

A) John Calvin
B) Joseph Smith
C) Martin Luther
D) Charles Parham

On May 08, 2024