


What is the unique role a provider must take on when working with trauma victims?

A) Role model
B) Witness
C) Perpetrator
D) Victim

On Aug 01, 2024



Miscommunications sometimes ensue when communicating via text messages because the _______________ is not seen or heard in words.​

On Jul 28, 2024



Among the Kapauku, the tonowi, or "rich one," is the:​

A) ​shaman
B) ​ancestor
C) ​king
D) ​"big man"

On Jul 01, 2024



The earliest settlers to the United States who came over from England brought an ideology of dehumanization with them from their historical treatment of the:​

A) ​Welsh
B) ​French
C) ​Irish
D) ​Germans

On Jun 28, 2024



What does Noam Chomsky mean when he says that language is a dialect without an army?

On Jun 01, 2024

​This means that the languages and dialects are classified according to the power that adheres to the group of speakers. Otherwise, there are no structural differences; it is a political choice.


​Food foragers practice a form of resource allocation.

On May 28, 2024



In general, ethnic identity can be categorized into three types. Name these categories and describe how they present themselves in an individual's behavior and sense of self.

On May 01, 2024

Ethnic identity can be categorized into three types: assimilation, integration, and separation.

Assimilation occurs when an individual adopts the cultural norms and values of the dominant society, often at the expense of their own ethnic identity. This can present itself in an individual's behavior through the adoption of mainstream cultural practices and the rejection of their own ethnic heritage. In terms of their sense of self, assimilation may lead to feelings of disconnection from their ethnic roots and a stronger identification with the dominant culture.

Integration, on the other hand, involves maintaining a strong connection to one's ethnic identity while also actively participating in the dominant culture. This can manifest in an individual's behavior through the celebration of their ethnic traditions and customs, while also engaging in mainstream activities. In terms of their sense of self, integration can lead to a balanced and multifaceted identity that incorporates both their ethnic heritage and their participation in the larger society.

Separation occurs when an individual rejects the dominant culture and maintains a strong connection to their ethnic identity. This can present itself in an individual's behavior through the rejection of mainstream cultural practices and a strong emphasis on their own ethnic traditions. In terms of their sense of self, separation may lead to a strong and exclusive identification with their ethnic group, often resulting in feelings of alienation from the larger society.

Overall, an individual's ethnic identity can have a significant impact on their behavior and sense of self, depending on whether they lean towards assimilation, integration, or separation.


The Natufians used a tool called a _______________ in their harvesting of grains.​

On Apr 28, 2024
