


Which of the following is not a right possessed by common stockholders of a corporation?

A) the right to vote in the election of the board of directors
B) the right to receive a minimum amount of dividends
C) the right to sell their stock to anyone they choose
D) the right to share in assets upon liquidation

On Jun 30, 2024



A wheat farmer sells wheat in a perfectly competitive market and hires labor in a perfectly competitive market. The market price of wheat is $2 a bushel, the wage rate is $10, the farmer employs five workers and the marginal product of the fifth worker is 10 bushels. What would you advise this farmer to do?

A) Do nothing because the wage rate and the marginal product of the last worker hired are equal.
B) Reduce employment because the wage paid is less than the marginal revenue product.
C) Increase employment because the wage paid is less than the marginal revenue product.
D) Reduce the product price so that the wage and marginal revenue product will be equal.

On Jun 29, 2024



Which of the following needs are addressed in Alderfer's theory?

A) Expectations, relationships, and goals
B) Equity, reinforcers, and goals
C) Existence, relatedness, and growth
D) Existence, relatedness, and goals
E) Esteem, relationships, and growth

On Jun 14, 2024



The current spot rate for the Norwegian krone is $1 = 6.5483NKR. The expected inflation rate in Norway is 1 % and in Canada 3.8 %. A risk-free asset in Canada is yielding 4.5 %. What risk-free rate of return should you expect on a Norwegian security?

A) 1.3 %
B) 1.7 %
C) 2.1 %
D) 2.8 %
E) 3.5 %

On May 30, 2024



Of the competing values framework, the ______ culture exhibits a combination of stability and an internal focus.

A) hierarchy
B) adhocracy
C) market
D) clan

On May 29, 2024