


Money neutrality states that a change in the money supply affects _____ variables only. Most economists believe that money neutrality is a good description of how money affects the economy in the _____.

On Jul 23, 2024

nominal, long run


Stockholders' equity,also called shareholders' equity,includes which of the following two accounts?

A) Common stock and Deferred revenue.
B) Common stock and Retained earnings.
C) Liabilities and Retained earnings.
D) Retained earnings and Cash.

On Jul 20, 2024



The price-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing

A) the market price per share by basic earnings per share.
B) basic earnings per share by the average number of shares.
C) net income by the market price per share.
D) basic earnings per share by the market price per share.

On Jun 23, 2024



Accounts receivable resulting from sales to customers amounted to $40,000 and $31,000 at the beginning and end of the year, respectively. Income reported on the income statement for the year was $120,000. Exclusive of the effect of other adjustments, the net cash flows from operating activities to be reported on the statement of cash flows using the indirect method is

A) $120,000
B) $129,000
C) $151,000
D) $111,000

On Jun 20, 2024



According to Maslow, lower-order needs are:

A) social, esteem, and self-actualization.
B) esteem, social, and safety.
C) physiological, safety, and social.
D) esteem and physiological.
E) safety and self-actualization.

On May 24, 2024



Set forth the eight real defenses and explain their significance.

On May 21, 2024

Real defenses are as follows:
1. Infancy (being below the legal age of consent), to the extent that it makes a contract void.
2. Duress, to the extent that it makes a contract void.
3. Lack of legal capacity, to the extent that it makes a contract void.
4. Illegality of the transaction, to the extent that it makes a contract void.
5. Fraud in the factum.
6. Discharge through insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy).
7. Forgery.
8. Material alteration.
The significance of real defenses is that they apply to all parties, including holders in due course.