


Mike signs a note payable to a bank.The bank indorses and negotiates the note to Fay,who then indorses and negotiates it to Sam.Sam presents the note to Mike,who dishonors it.Then Sam decides to pursue Fay and the bank on their secondary indorsers' liability.Against whom can Sam proceed?

A) Fay
B) The bank
C) Both Fay and the bank
D) Neither Fay nor the bank

On Jul 27, 2024



A prospect pool generally includes orphaned customers.

On Jul 24, 2024



Unlike a business proposal, a formal business report presents findings and recommendations based on research and data analysis.

On Jun 27, 2024



The systematic and rational allocation of the acquisition cost of natural resources to those periods in which the resources contribute to revenue is called depletion.

On Jun 24, 2024



Compare the I-P-O model of teams to the I-M-O-I model.

On May 27, 2024

The I-P-O model of teams stands for Input-Process-Output, and it focuses on the stages of team development. In this model, Input refers to the resources, such as skills, knowledge, and personalities, that team members bring to the team. Process refers to the interactions and dynamics within the team, including communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Output refers to the results and outcomes of the team's work, such as completed projects or achieved goals.

On the other hand, the I-M-O-I model stands for Input-Mediator-Output-Input, and it focuses on the factors that influence team effectiveness. In this model, Input refers to the same resources as in the I-P-O model. Mediator refers to the processes and dynamics that mediate the relationship between inputs and outputs, such as leadership, team cohesion, and trust. Output refers to the same results and outcomes as in the I-P-O model. The second Input refers to the feedback and learning that occurs as a result of the outputs, which then becomes input for future team processes.

In comparison, the I-P-O model is more focused on the stages of team development and the specific activities and interactions that occur within the team, while the I-M-O-I model is more focused on the factors that influence team effectiveness and the cyclical nature of team processes. Both models are valuable for understanding and improving team performance, but they approach the topic from slightly different perspectives.


If both parties are not merchants,additional terms contained in the offeree's standardized form are treated as:

A) proposals for addition to the contract.
B) part of the contract.
C) an acceptance.
D) a limited acceptance.

On May 25, 2024