


All content in the negative message should be what?

A) Factual, impersonal and objective
B) Factual, positive and clear
C) Clear, complete and concise
D) Objective, complete and concise
E) Personal, complete and concise

On Sep 26, 2024



Jessica's firm has developed a crustless pizza and rather than compete in the U.S. market, she has decided instead to introduce the product in Europe, where she feels it will be innovative. Her advertising agency urged caution because

A) differences in language, customs, and culture complicate marketers' ability to communicate with customers in various countries.
B) print media are different in Europe, and it would be difficult to create a global campaign.
C) literacy rates are significantly lower in Europe, and print ads would be ineffective.
D) research indicates that Europeans do not eat pizza as often as Americans.
E) domestic advertising agencies cannot earn commissions on advertising they place overseas.

On Sep 22, 2024